Saturday, August 15, 2020

06:48 PM PST - Memphis says his brain doesn't work like that. Memphis says his goal is to win. (NT)

06:48 PM PST - Memphis says his brain doesn't work like that. Memphis says his goal is to win. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

06:07 PM PST - Kevin says that Janelle is a light sleeper. (NT)

06:07 PM PST - Kevin says that Janelle is a light sleeper. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

06:03 PM PST - Nicole Anthony says she doesn't think Nicole Franzel will use the veto. She doesn't think Ian will use it either. (NT)

06:03 PM PST - Nicole Anthony says she doesn't think Nicole Franzel will use the veto. She doesn't think Ian will use it either. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

06:02 PM PST - Kevin says that Tyler is a Beast, he's good. (NT)

06:02 PM PST - Kevin says that Tyler is a Beast, he's good. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

06:01 PM PST - Nicole Anthony says Actions speak louder than words. (NT)

06:01 PM PST - Nicole Anthony says Actions speak louder than words. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

06:01 PM PST - Enzo says there is no loyalty. Just Flip-flop. (NT)

06:01 PM PST - Enzo says there is no loyalty. Just Flip-flop. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

06:01 PM PST - Nicole Anthony says that everything is sketchy. We're all going crazy. (NT)

06:01 PM PST - Nicole Anthony says that everything is sketchy. We're all going crazy. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

06:00 PM PST - Kevin says that you just want to have a conversation without compromising anybody. (NT)

06:00 PM PST - Kevin says that you just want to have a conversation without compromising anybody. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

06:00 PM PST - Enzo says he can't go ---- anywhere not even to the bathroom. (NT)

06:00 PM PST - Enzo says he can't go ---- anywhere not even to the bathroom. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:59 PM PST - Nicole Anthony thinks with the exception of David, she doesn't think Memphis would go after a guy. (NT)

05:59 PM PST - Nicole Anthony thinks with the exception of David, she doesn't think Memphis would go after a guy. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:58 PM PST - Enzo tells Nicole Anthony that he thinks David is the target. (NT)

05:58 PM PST - Enzo tells Nicole Anthony that he thinks David is the target. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:58 PM PST - Nicole Anthony said people liking her could be a reason to vote her out. Look what happened to Judd. (NT)

05:58 PM PST - Nicole Anthony said people liking her could be a reason to vote her out. Look what happened to Judd. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:57 PM PST - Nicole Anthony said this whole David thing could be a smokescreen. (NT)

05:57 PM PST - Nicole Anthony said this whole David thing could be a smokescreen. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:57 PM PST - Nicole Anthony recalling how Janelle told her If you wanna stay you have to save yourself (NT)

05:57 PM PST - Nicole Anthony recalling how Janelle told her If you wanna stay you have to save yourself (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:52 PM PST - Kaysar says this is the jankiest Jenga game ever. (NT)

05:52 PM PST - Kaysar says this is the jankiest Jenga game ever. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:49 PM PST - Janelle asks Kaysar and Bayleigh why they haven't had a POV yet? It's so annoying! (NT)

05:49 PM PST - Janelle asks Kaysar and Bayleigh why they haven't had a POV yet? It's so annoying! (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:28 PM PST - Cody and Enzo in storage room talking about how people are pairing up. Cody: Where are the pears? These are all apples here. Enzo: No, the pairs are all outside! (NT)

05:28 PM PST - Cody and Enzo in storage room talking about how people are pairing up. Cody: Where are the pears? These are all apples here. Enzo: No, the pairs are all outside! (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:22 PM PST - Enzo to Cody: We're going to use Day and Dani as long as possible then have someone from the other side take them out for us. (NT)

05:22 PM PST - Enzo to Cody: We're going to use Day and Dani as long as possible then have someone from the other side take them out for us. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:17 PM PST - 5:09 PM HGs cleaning BA. (NT) (IMG)

05:17 PM PST - 5:09 PM HGs cleaning BA. (NT) (IMG)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

04:52 PM PST - Janelle and Daniele say I love you to each other. (NT)

04:52 PM PST - Janelle and Daniele say I love you to each other. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

04:51 PM PST - Daniele tells Janelle that Memphis is crazy! (NT)

04:51 PM PST - Daniele tells Janelle that Memphis is crazy! (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

04:50 PM PST - HGs in kitchen discussing Ian, say he said he'll have multiple costumes throughout the week. Nobody visibly wearing veto necklace, looks like feeds were down for Ian costume reveal not veto comp (NT)

04:50 PM PST - HGs in kitchen discussing Ian, say he said he'll have multiple costumes throughout the week. Nobody visibly wearing veto necklace, looks like feeds were down for Ian costume reveal not veto comp (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

04:44 PM PST - 4:43 PM Feeds return. (NT)

04:44 PM PST - 4:43 PM Feeds return. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)