Thursday, January 24, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2 Live Feeds Highlights-Day 8

Celebrity Big Brother 2 Live Feeds brought us a lot more strategizing. In case you missed it, we saw on yesterday’s episode that Ricky Williams won the first Power of Veto. He decided not to use it. However, he decided to stir the pot a little. He told Lolo Jones that Ryan Lochte made a proposal to get her on the block. This helped create the already brewing tension between Ryan, Jonathan Bennett, and the four tops (Kandi Burruss, Lolo, Natalie Eva Marie, and Tamar Braxton).

Yesterday, Ryan and Jonathan tried to make amends for keeping the women in the dark when they nominated Tom Green instead of Dina Lohan.

They approached the women about who they should nominate now that Tom was likely coming off the block. This Celebrity Big Brother 2 week has been full of random twists and turns, like two Power of Veto competitions being played. Kato Kaelin, who planned to use it to take his one remaining alliance partner off the block, won the second one.

The women were more tight lipped when approached by Ryan and Jonathan this time about who to nominate. Ryan was torn between nominating Joey Lawrence and Dina. Joey is part of his alliance with Jonathan, but he didn’t think he would be in jeopardy on the block.

Dina stood a chance of splitting the votes. Kandi was Ryan’s target. She went up on the block when Anthony Scaramucci made an early exit. Ryan again mentioned the idea of putting Lolo on the block, but Jonathan shut down that idea. He worried that he wouldn’t have the votes to stay up against her. Ryan later approached Joey about going on the block, and he agreed without hesitation. That problem was resolved.

During the Power of Veto Ceremony, Kato used his Veto to remove Tom from the block, and Joey went up as a replacement nominee. This left Kandi, Joey, and Jonathan as the final three nominees in jeopardy of being evicted on Friday. The drama didn’t end there. Ricky became the center of attention.

Joey, Jonathan, and Ryan wanted to make sure they had him on their side.They talked to him several times about getting out Kandi instead of any of them. He made sure to be vague but let them think he was on their side. In reality, he told Lolo how she almost went on the block again.

He also revealed to Lolo that Kato and Tom were voting out Jonathan. Tamar remained obsessed with the idea of getting Kandi out the house. She claimed it wasn’t personal.

Lolo and Eva Marie were still torn on who to evict, but after getting Ricky’s entail, they were back to getting Jonathan out. However, Tamar was convinced that Ricky was in some sort of alliance with Kandi, and he wasn’t being completely honest.

Ricky and Tamar went back and forth with the discussion, until Ricky just apologized. Right now, things are still up in the air about eviction. We will probably not know for sure who is going home until a few hours before it.

Celebrity Big Brother Two

Thanks for joining us all summer long for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Big Brother 20. We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Big Brother. Join us again for Celebrity Big Brother 2 on Jan 21, and Big Brother 21 in the summer of 2019. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!

from Big Brother Access

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