Monday, September 11, 2017

Peggy Sulahian Thinks Meghan Edmonds Tried To Set Up Vicki Gunvalson

Does Peggy have Resting Bitch Face?

Does Peggy have Resting Bitch Face?

It’s getting hard to root for anyone in the cast on Real Housewives of Orange County. This season is lackluster. Nothing is really happening and everyone is really stuck in the past- something that Peggy Sulahian said that I actually agree with (for once). In real life it would make a lot of sense for these women to be upset with each other, but as far as keeping this show going, it’s tough to just watch them talk about the same shit over and over again.

And one person who is all about bringing up the past is self-proclaimed private investigator Meghan Edmonds. Was Meghan just being a good friend or was she just stirring shit up for the sake of a story line during that last episode?

Peggy discussed the Meghan controversies in her last Bravo blog entry. She wrote, “Okay, Kelly [Dodd] noticing Shannon [Beador] recording her is pretty shady. I totally understand the whole, ‘I don’t understand how to use an iPhone’ thing since I barely do either, but knowing that the two women hold a rocky past makes me question Shannon’s integrity.” That and throwing a plate full of food across a restaurant.

Peggy continued, “In regards to Kelly and Meghan at the baby store, I have to share my opinion. I would not confide in someone else with given information, unless it’s a compliment. No excuses. It’s the root of miscommunication, and there’s living proof of it in this episode.” For the most part, Peggy really doesn’t make any sense, but this all seems to hold true. Kelly confided in Meghan to get some advice and perspective, but Meghan just ran straight to Shannon with the information.

Peggy admitted, “What Meghan did to Vicki [Gunvalson] during lunch really bothered me.” It’s usually tough to sympathize with Vicki, but she really did have a good point. Why keep this story about Shannon and David Beador in the spotlight by revealing the texts that she (allegedly) had. Personally, I don’t think she has any texts because she would have brought them out a year ago, but it really did seem like she was trying to put the story to bed instead of giving it more life. Nevertheless, Meghan would not let it go.

Peggy wrote, “Why was Meghan playing private investigator? I completely understand where Vicki is coming from! I’m not taking sides here, but Vicki’s perspective made so much more sense than Meghan’s in this scene. When Vicki indirectly asked me to stop talking about Ireland at the Lambo event, I respected that and dropped the topic. Meghan on the other hand, interrogated Vicki during their lunch in this episode and kept confronting her about the same situation. What’s her problem?”

Then Peggy brought up her instantly infamous lip pinching: “Unfortunately, I wasn’t there to zip her mouth this time as gracefully and playfully as I did at the event.” That was “graceful”? Yeah, right.

Peggy continued, “If the relationship between Shannon and David doesn’t involve you, then why do you make such efforts to throw yourself in the situation? Her over the phone apology with Kelly was sarcastic in my opinion. It seemed like she just apologized to stop Kelly from nagging about how wrongful her action was. What’s the point Meghan is trying to make with this!? She took Vicki out to think about their conversation or to use it against her and set her up?”

Peggy wasn’t present for the drag queen bingo drama, but she did watch the episode and remarked, “There goes Meghan again with bringing up information. She made everyone feel uncomfortable when they were having a good time.” That is a short, but (surprisingly) accurate summary of what happened. Meghan is definitely doing what she can to earn that orange this season.

RELATED: Meghan Edmonds Thinks Peggy Sulahian Was Out Of Line With Tamra Judge

Tonight is a new episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County. Join us here for our SnarkChat, aka Virtual Viewing Party at 9/8 C.

For tonight’s episode, Bravo promises us, “Meghan is still reeling from Kelly’s attack at Drag King Bingo. Lydia tries to play mediator but is unable to stay impartial. Tamra gets an unexpected phone call that leaves her wondering if there is still hope for her and Vicki. Peggy prepares to send her daughters off to college. Shannon celebrates her birthday but is faced with the harsh reality that this year there will definitely not be a renewing of her and David’s vows. Vicki throws a blowout party for her birthday and an old friend reveals some juicy details about Eddie’s past.”


[Photo Credit: Bravo]

The post Peggy Sulahian Thinks Meghan Edmonds Tried To Set Up Vicki Gunvalson appeared first on Reality Tea.

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