Monday, September 11, 2017

Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Live Feeds Day 71 &72 Highlights: A Rogue Josh May Destroy the Misfits

It was a busy Big Brother 19 weekend as Josh Martinez struggled to decide when was the right time to take out Paul Abrahamian. Just when he believed that it was time to strike, Paul won the Power of Veto and crushed that plan. This Big Brother 19 weekend also involved lots of tears. At some point, almost everyone remaining in the house put on the waterworks.

Big Brother 19 Christmas Abbott,Josh MArtinez, and Paul Abrahamian

In the end, the majority of the Big Brother 19 houseguests got their wish…but a stubborn Josh might make a move that could cost him his final three or two spot. We’re in for a bumpy few days with Josh possibly debating whether to evict Alex Ow or not all the way up until Tuesday’s early eviction.

Saturday, 9/09/17

Josh spent more time talking to the cameras about whether to take out Paul now or at final three. He seemed to have concluded that now was best, but we know ultimately he would lose his chance to take him out this week.

Once Paul won Veto, he had to figure out how to wash the blood off his hands and put it on Josh and Christmas Abbott’s game. Paul talked to his partners about ‘distributing’ the blame amongst the three of them. Paul wanted to tell Alex that if he kept her, he lost their jury votes.

Big Brother 19 Paul Abrahamian

Christmas was fine with Paul throwing her under the bus, but Josh, not so much. This plan further distanced Josh from his group. He was ready to go rogue. While planning how to tell Alex that they were sending her home this week, Paul also planned for Tuesday’s Head of Household competition.

Paul encouraged Josh to rattle Kevin Schlehuber during it. Christmas also wanted to attack Kevin by using his attraction to her as a way to throw him off his game. Kevin was also a major topic of discussion due to his Power of Veto performance. The group wondered if Kevin threw it.

He promised Paul and Josh that he didn’t: Kevin says that he is colorblind so he struggled to find the differences in the comic book covers. The comic book covers also became a major topic of discussion, because Josh, Christmas, and Paul didn’t like how their comic books portrayed them. Josh openly wondered if they were the villains of Big Brother 19.

Big Brother 19 Josh Martinez

Sunday, 09/10/17

Paul pulled Alex to the side for a long conversation. He revealed to her that he didn’t plan to use the POV; he claimed it was because he would lose Kevin, Josh, and Christmas’s votes by saving her. Alex was devastated by this news. She no longer believed in Paul’s brand of friendship.

After Paul and Alex’s discussion, Josh tried to talk to her. She wanted nothing to do with him, which lead to more tears. Josh decided that he wanted to tell Alex about how Paul schemed behind her back for weeks, but he would never get that chance on Sunday. Christmas and Paul also forbid Josh from trying to talk to Alex.

Big brother 19 Alex Ow

Completely frustrated, Josh devised a plan to screw over his teammates. He wanted to split the vote, and then keep Alex over Kevin. Paul liked the vote split plan (he was oblivious to Josh’s intentions to keep Alex) because it let him play the hero with Alex by being the vote for her to stay.

However, when Paul approached Alex with the vote split idea, she said it was a waste of time. They were going to vote her out anyway,so why give her false hope with a split vote. Instead, Alex and Paul discussed his best course of action to reach and win in the finals. She also believed that Paul needed to be sitting at the end with Josh, instead of Christmas and Kevin.

Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news!

from Big Brother Access

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