Monday, September 11, 2017

Big Brother 19-09/10/17-Recap: This Is Big Brother, Not Big Baby!

Big Brother 19’s Josh Martinez is on par to take over the Big Brother title for the biggest cry baby in the history of the show. That’s not a title easily overtaken. There have been some serious criers over the years. One houseguest cried so much that her BB Comic featured her wearing a child’s onezie while holding a rattle and, of course, crying big crocodile tears. That was none other than Big Meech Vomitcrybaby, aka Michele Meyer, from Big Brother 18.

Big Brother 19 Josh Martinez

The irony with all of Josh’s crying is that he can easily change or eliminate the reasons he keeps crying, but he just doesn’t seem to have the tenacity to do it. He would rather keep doing everything the puppet master, Paul Abrahamian, tells him to do, including betraying all of his friends in the process. Josh has always played an emotional Big Brother 19 game, but as the game winds down, Josh’s emotions just keep ramping up.

Yesterday’s episode takes us back a few days before the double eviction, this shows the viewers that once again Paul managed to orchestrate another eviction in the Big Brother house. Paul deserves some serious credit for this one. In addition to planning each and every aspect of the the double eviction, he even set up the “fight” he and Josh had right after Jason Dent‘s eviction. Paul has gone to great lengths to ensure that he does not have any blood on his hands from any of the evictions.

In a nutshell, Paul set up the fight between himself and Josh to confuse Alex Ow. She fell for it, and she has no idea that Paul was behind her ride-or-die being evicted. Paul told Alex that Kevin Schlehuber and Raven Walton are the next two houseguests that need to go. We already know that Alex wins the HOH after Jason leaves the house, and that she nominates Kevin and Raven, just as instructed by Paul.

Josh won the Power of Veto. He then went to Alex for advice on whether or not to use the power. Josh figured that he needed to rebuild some trust with Alex after the devastating Jason eviction.  More tears from Josh. The only eligible houseguests to vote for this eviction were Paul, Josh, and Christmas Abbott. Paul decided Raven would be the target for eviction: he instructed his minions to vote accordingly. Josh decided to “flex” his power and placed a rogue vote for Kevin. This had no effect on the eviction, but the rogue vote created some uneasiness with Paul and Christmas’ ability to completely trust Josh.

Big Brother 19 Josh Martinez and Christmas AbbotNow that Paul has gotten everyone through the double eviction with his plan, he moves on to planning the next HOH. He approached Kevin and told him to throw the comp.  He explained that they were going to have Christmas win this HOH. This was a big, fat lie as Paul wanted Josh to win HOH and take out Alex. Once again, Paul did not want any blood on his hands and convinced Josh to do more of the dirty work. More tears from Josh. Clueless Kevin just does whatever Paul say to do just like everyone else in the Big Brother 19 house.

The HOH competition is centered around the BB Comic week in the Big Brother house. The houseguests are shown a movie trailer titled the Revengers that features previous Big Brother houseguests dressed in their BB Comic costumes.  Some of the characters include Nicole Franzel, James Huling, Austin Matteson, Frankie Grande, Da’Vonne Rogers, Caleb Reynolds, and Dan Gheesling.  The acting is a bit to be desired in the clip, but the trailer is entertaining for Big Brother fans.

The HOH comp is simple. After watching the Revengers trailer, the houseguests must answer questions about the trailer.  The houseguest with the most points after seven rounds wins HOH. All the minions did as they were instructed, and Josh won the HOH competition.

Big Brother 19 HOH

Josh does some camera talking and admits that Paul needs to be evicted at some point soon. Finally, someone in the Big Brother 19 house is at least talking about getting rid of the puppet master. Josh is in a unique position this week with winning the HOH.  If he could just grow some balls and spill the beans to Alex about Paul’s devious plans, he may be able to get her on board with him to get Paul evicted. Clearly Christmas is not going to go against Paul anytime soon, so Alex (and Kevin) is his best bet. Josh tells the camera that he doesn’t know if he should try to get Paul out now or wait until final three.

Honestly, I don’t think anyone in the Big Brother house has the ability or strength to take Paul out of the game. Somehow Paul has managed to mesmerize these houseguests into doing anything and everything Paul tells them to do. Josh could reveal everything to Alex, get her on his side, and plan a backdoor eviction of Paul this week.  If Josh played his cards right with Alex and also Kevin, he could pull it off. The question then becomes, will Alex and Kevin believe Josh when he tells them that Paul has been the one pulling all the strings and making all the decisions in the Big Brother house.  That is $500,000 question.

As expected, at the nomination ceremony, Josh nominated Alex and Kevin for eviction. Alex is quite annoyed with Josh for putting her on the block after she did not nominate him when he was clearly responsible (wink wink) for Jason being evicted. If Alex makes it past the eviction this week, which is highly unlikely, Josh better watch out.

Big Brother 19 Nominations

There is a surprise eviction Wednesday night as opposed to Thursday.  Frankly, I don’t see Josh making any big power moves in the house this week. As a result, it appears that Alex will be joining her buddy Jason in the jury house. Hopefully those two can figure out that this has been Paul all along, but Paul has done a great job thus far of casting blame elsewhere.

Check back with us Wednesday for the results of the first eviction of this  Big Brother 19 week. Then join us Thursday morning for a recap of the exciting episode. Only a little over a week to go before the Big Brother 19 finale.

Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news!

from Big Brother Access

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