Thursday, July 27, 2017

Big Brother 19 Recap: Will POV Winner Change the Block? 7/27/17

Since Cody Nickson won the Big Brother 19 Battle Back Showdown and reentered the house, his showmance partner, Jessica Graf, won this week’s Head of Household .  Although Jessica and Cody seem to have the power inside the Big Brother house, don’t let those assumptions fool you.  They decided to nominate Josh Martinez and Ramses Soto to the block, with hopes of finally sending Josh out the door.  Could it be that simple?  Not in the Big Brother house.

Big Brother 19 Josh Martinez

Josh has made it very clear to Jessica and Cody that if he were to ever garner any power in the Big Brother house, they would be his number one target.  After his verbal mockery to both of them in the last HOH competition, there should be no surprise that Josh is their main target for eviction.  Jessica is only using Ramses as a pawn.

Mark Jansen and Elena Davies made sure to cozy right back up with Cody as soon as he was back inside the house.  Jessica winning the HOH probably helped that cause a bit.  Paul Abrahamian and Cody tried to play pretty with each other, and the two actually talked about working together to make it to the end of the game.  However, in the Diary Room, both houseguests confided that they were simply blowing smoke and don’t trust one another at all.

The Power of Veto player ceremony was short and sweet.  Jessica picked houseguest choice and not surprisingly chose Cody.  Josh picked Jason Dent, who was thrilled to compete. He wanted to insure that the nominations would remain the same. Finally, Ramses selected Christmas Abbott, who is finally hoping for a chance to compete for some power in the Big Brother house.

The Big Brother Juicy Blast competition is set up in the back yard for this week’s POV.  This is the familiar explosion competition.  Houseguests must memorize ingredients and their exact order to make smoothies in each round.  When a houseguest adds the correct ingredients, they move on to the next round.  If they mix in the wrong ingredients, kaboom. They are then immediately eliminated.  The last houseguest standing will win the POV.

Big Brother 19 Power of Veto

Christmas was the first houseguest to be eliminated from the competition.  Jason, Ramses, and Josh all went out together, which left Cody and Jessica as the last two standing.  Cody took the fall for Jessica to save her hair from all of the exploding goo.  Jessica has now won POV in addition to HOH for this week.

During the week, Jessica has put out some feelers to see where everyone in the house sits, in terms of this week’s votes.   Jessica hasn’t anticipated that Paul is organizing the votes to keep Josh in the Big Brother house.  Everyone is on board with this diabolical plan, except Mark and Elena, who have fallen back into the swing of things with Cody and Jessica.

In the end, Jessica decides to leave her nominations the same and not use the POV.  This opens the door for Paul’s plan to vote against Ramses instead of Josh.

Can Josh continue to mope around the Big Brother house and pretend to be going home tonight? Or will his enthusiasm get the best of him and blow the plan up at the last minute?  Always remember to expect the unexpected in the game of Big Brother.

Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news!

from Big Brother Access

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