Friday, July 14, 2017

Big Brother 19 Recap: Revenge Served For Paul Abrahamian 7/13/17

Revenge is always a dish best served cold, and Big Brother 19’s Paul Abrahamian enjoyed his dish last night when his nemesis, Cody Nickson, was evicted from the Big Brother house.  Paul’s backdoor plan to evict Cody played out perfectly, and Cody knew his time in the Big Brother house was near its end. During his exit interview, Cody didn’t expect to receive news from Julie Chen that he would have the opportunity to “Battle Back” into the house next week.

Big Brother 19 Julie Chen and Cody NicksonCody was so stunned by the news from Julie that he was literally speechless.  Julie seemed just as surprised as Cody by his inability to formulate words about the opportunity to continue his Big Brother game and reunite with his showmance girlfriend, Jessica Graf.  Julie did reveal to Cody that the microphones picked up his final whisper to Jessica asking her to be his girlfriend.  Cody absolutely hopes to pursue his relationship with Jessica outside of the Big Brother house.

Last night’s show began with the aftermath of the Power of Veto (POV) ceremony when HOH Paul used the POV to save Josh Martinez from the block.  In line with Paul’s backdoor plan, he replaced Josh’s spot on the block with Cody.  Once the ceremony was over, Josh and Cody immediately began to verbally assault one another. They showed no love lost between the two of them.  Cody’s showmance Jessica joined in the confrontation by calling Josh a pawn that is just being used by both sides of the Big Brother house.  Josh fired back by gloating that Cody will be hopping his ass out the door looking like a fool.  Touché.

Christmas Abbott made an announcement to the entire Big Brother 19 house that her broken foot injury was more serious than expected.  She emotionally confirmed that major surgery was necessary for her injury to heal properly.  Christmas would have to decide whether or not to recover from surgery in the Big Brother house or remove herself from the game completely.  If she chose to remain in the game, Big Brother would not be altering any of the competitions on her behalf. Therefore, there would most likely be competitions that Christmas would not be able to participate in with the other houseguests.

Big Brother 19 Christmas Abbott

Taking all of this information into consideration, Christmas proudly proclaimed that she would be the Queen of Perseverance and stay in the Big Brother house.  After applause from all the houseguests, except Jessica and Cody, Christmas thanked everyone for their support and belief in her capabilities.  Not surprising, later in the Diary Room, Cody shared that he did not see Christmas’ decision as perseverance, and he has no sympathy for her or her injury.  Christmas was not medically cleared to leave the hospital after her surgery in time for the live eviction.  Big Brother allowed her to vote via telephone this week.

Jessica, in an attempt to save her game and mend fences, had a serious conversation with Christmas and explained to her that she is not an enemy.  Jessica swore that she had nothing to do with Cody’s decision to put Christmas up for eviction.  Although Christmas believes that Jessica had no role in Cody’s decision for her nomination, Christmas feels personally attacked by Jessica.  After Jessica continued to interrupt Christmas, the conversation went nowhere.  In the end, the girls decided to hug it out and live amicably in the Big Brother house together.

Big Brother 19 Christmas Abbott & Jessica Graf

Knowing that his time in the Big Brother house was very limited, Cody decided to make some waves before his eviction. Cody refused to participate in Dominque Cooper‘s birthday celebration.  He even tried to throw Mark Jansen and Dominque under the bus by telling the houseguests that they wanted Christmas nominated for eviction.

Big Brother 19 Dominque Cooper

During the weekly talk show hosted by Dominque, all three block nominees were interviewed.  Alex Ow and Ramses Soto did not share any exciting information during their interviews. Cody revealed that he did not like Paul from the moment they met, which was not all that surprising.  Mark’s feathers got ruffled when Cody implied Mark knew about Cody’s  nominations before he announced them at the nomination ceremony.  Paul quickly defused that fire without much thought about Cody’s claims.

During the Big Brother live eviction vote, there were some surprises with the voting tally.  Each houseguest’s vote is as follows:

  • Jessica voted to evict Ramses
  • Kevin Schlehuber voted to evict Ramses
  • Christmas voted to evict Ramses
  • Raven Walton voted to evict Cody
  • Dominque voted to evict Cody
  • Mark voted to evict Cody
  • Jason Dent voted to evict Cody
  • Josh voted to Cody
  • Elena Davies voted to Cody
  • Matt Clines voted to evict Cody

Big Brother 19 Live Eviction

With a final vote of 7-3, Cody was voted for eviction from the Big Brother house.  Alex received no votes, but Ramses received three.  While Jessica’s and Kevin’s vote for Ramses came as no surprise, Christmas’ vote was a bit confusing.  Let’s hope for an explanation once Christmas returns to the Big Brother house from her surgery.

Once Cody was evicted, he embraced Jessica and completely ignored all of the other houseguests.  Julie questioned Cody as to why he decided not tell anyone, even Jessica, that he planned to backdoor Paul.  Cody explained that he wanted to make a big move and knew word would get back to Paul of his plan.  Cody also disclosed that he targeted Christmas for eviction because of her high anxiety and close relationship with Paul.

Big Brother 19 Cody Nickson & Jessica Graf

Julie confirmed that there will be a Battle Back competition next Friday during a special episode set to air on July 21, 2017.  Cameron Heard, Jillian Parker, Cody, and next week’s evictee will all battle for their opportunity to reenter the Big Brother 19 game.  However, for the first time in Big Brother history, the houseguests will have the chance to thwart their return into the house.  Stay tuned for more details regarding this new Big Brother twist.

Big Brother 19 Battle Back Julie Chen

The new HOH competition began at the end of last night’s show.  “Space Cadets” is the theme for the familiar Big Brother endurance competition.  Each houseguest must hang onto the wall for dear life.  The last houseguest standing on the arm of the Big Brother Space Station will become the next HOH.

Big Brother 19 Space Cadets

Check back Sunday evening for HOH results, or just read our spoiler post about it.

Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news!

from Big Brother Access

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