Friday, July 14, 2017

Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Live Feeds Day 14 Highlights: Will Alex Play it Safe or Make a Bold Move?

Last night, Big Brother 19 had its second live eviction. During it, Julie Chen dropped a bomb on third evictee Cody Nickson: there will be a Battle Back competition. If Cody, Jillian Parker, Cameron Heard, or the next evictee return to the Big Brother 2017 game, it could really shake things up. We need a power shift!

Big Brother 19 Jason Dent and Alex Ow

This makes this week’s Big Brother 19 moves more important than ever. Evicting the wrong person could cause a boomerang effect that swings back to hurt some of the houseguests’ Big Brother 2017 games. After Alex Ow‘s Head of Household victory, a lot of last night’s house discussions dealt with possible targets and nominees.

Before Eviction

Big Brother 19 Cody Nickson

The Big Brother 19 houseguests were still reacting to some of the paranoia brought on from the previous day’s events and Cody’s interview with Dominique Cooper. Raven Walton and Matt Clines talked a lot about Dominique acting weird. They thought that she took their criticism of her talk show too serious.

It also seems like the things that Cody said about Dominique and Mark Jansen knowing about his plans to nominate Christmas Abbott and Paul Abrahamian did create suspicion among people within his former power group. Meanwhile, Cody wondered what his reception would be outside of the Big Brother 19 game.

After his eviction, he expected to walk out to a crowd of boos. He also discussed not wanting to do any shows that also had Josh Martinez as a guest. The main goal of Cody’s final hours in the house were to keep Jessica Graf from walking right out the door next week.

Eviction Aftermath

Big Brother 19 Alex Ow, Jason Dent, Ramses Soto

During the Head of Household competition and after it, almost all the Big Brother 19 players speculated about who were the two odd votes for Ramses Soto. Every time people began to suspect Kevin Schlehuber cast one of those hinky votes, Paul shut down the speculation.

At one point, Mark figured out that Kevin and Christmas were the two other votes against Ramses. Paul once again shut down the idea of Kevin casting the vote. Alex revealed to the houseguests that Christmas told her that she wanted to vote for Ramses to stir the pot. The Big Brother 19 houseguests became convinced that Christmas was at least one of the strange votes. They would wait for her return to see how to deal with her.

Paul’s side also believed that Jason Dent was the other vote against Ramses, but Jason’s side didn’t buy it, especially after he swore on his child that he didn’t do it. Alex became convinced that Raven or Dominique might have been one of the weird votes, or both of them.

Jessica Tries to Join the Outsiders

Big Brother 19 Jessica Graf and Ramses Soto

Jessica moped around after her official boyfriend Cody left the game. However, she had a couple of important conversations. She worked on her bond with Ramses; they both talked about feeling alone, especially because they were clear targets. Jessica talked to Jason and told him that they needed to strike at the other side. They’re too powerful to not try to get one of them out.

The only issue with Jessica joining the outsiders is that Alex doesn’t trust her. She thinks Jessica will just betray them, and float back and forth to both sides.

Alex and Jason Clash Over Nominations

Big Brother 19 Alex Ow, PAul Abrahamian, and Jason Dent

Jason has been saying all week that he wants to make a big move. Kevin and him really seem to want to target Matt. Alex seems to want to work with Matt and Raven, so she put her target on Dominique, Mark, or Christmas. Alex’s main goal falls with getting out Christmas.

Unfortunately, Alex’s distrust for Jessica won’t let her see the clearly bad move of putting her up this week. Alex wants to put Jessica up to not create distrust and stay sort of loyal to Paul’s side. Jason thinks that now isn’t the time to play it safe, and he thinks that they need Jessica as a number.

Jason, Ramses, and Kevin tried to get Alex to see that she shouldn’t name Jessica as a nominee. She needs to go after one of the power players instead, but Alex seems determined to not create too much of a wave in the Big Brother 19 house. She still wants to go after Christmas or Dominique, but by a likely backdoor plan with Jessica still going on the block as an initial nominee.

We think this is a bad idea, but Alex still has almost an entire half day to rethink her strategy.

We’ll have to wait and see later today if Alex nominates Jessica, or make a bold nomination decision.

Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news.

from Big Brother Access

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