Friday, July 21, 2017

Big Brother 19 Recap: Food Fights, Lies, Evictions, & More

Tonight’s episode of Big Brother 19 was reminiscent Of a high school battle between two hormonal teenage boys. What started as a simple game of pool between friends shifted into a replay of the infamous food fight from the coming of age classics like Animal House.  Lines were crossed, lies were told, fingers were pointed…all of which make for a great evening of Big Brother.

Big Brother 19 Food Fight

A typical way to pass the time in the Big Brother house is to play pool in the backyard.  Josh Martinez and Mark Jansen decided to make the game a bit more interesting. Each agreed that the loser would have to drink a concoction made from pickle juice and hot sauce. When Josh mistakenly double tapped the cue ball while trying to sink the 8-ball, Mark called the game and declared himself the winner. Josh did not quite see the simple mistake in the same light as Mark, and that’s when tempers began to flare.

Both men disputed who won the game. After neither could agree on whether or not Josh lost on a technicality, Mark doused the pickle juice and hot sauce combo directly into Josh’s face.  Stunned Big Brother houseguests didn’t know quite how to act while watching the drama unfold. Josh briefly retreated into the house and returned with his own concoction of mayonnaise and ketchup which he doused all over Mark in retribution. Josh repeatedly called Mark a coward as he flung more and more condiments Mark’s way.

Big Brother 19 Mark Jansen

Chaos in the backyard started to settle down when Mark apologized for burning Josh’s eyes with the hot sauce. Just when you thought this fight was over, Josh threw Mark under the bus by saying he was plotting against Christmas Abbott and Paul Abrahamian to get them out of the game. Obviously, Mark did not take that accusation very well and tempers exploded again between the two.

Jessica Graf decided to throw in her two cents, rather than flying under the radar while she is on the block for eviction. She told the group that she could not sit there and listen to Josh lie when, in fact, Josh had shared with her privately that he wanted to have Christmas evicted from the game. Finally, things cooled off and no more condiments were hurled around the Big Brother backyard.

The Halting Hex was announced as the next temptation in Big Brother 19. One by one, the houseguests entered the Den of Temptation to reveal their fate. Jessica was voted by fans to receive the next temptation. The Halting Hex allows the recipient to halt any one of the next four live evictions. The Hex must be used before voting begins. Needless to say, with Jessica’s game on the line this week, she must make a difficult decision as to whether or not to use the Hex this week. As always, with each temptation accepted, a curse will be unleashed on the house. This curse will not be revealed until next Thursday to the Big Brother houseguests.

Big Brother 19 Halting Hex

Time for the live eviction in the Big Brother house.  Jessica did not announce to the group that she wished to halt the live eviction. She will have three more weeks to use her temptation. After a vote of 10-0, Dominque Cooper was the next houseguest to be evicted from the Big Brother house. Dom’s reaction to the eviction indicated that she was fairly confident she would be the evicted houseguest this week.

During her farewell interview with Julie Chen, Dominique indicated that Paul had expressed interest in becoming friends once outside of the Big Brother house. Dominique told Julie that she would need to pray about her ability to befriend Paul once the game of Big Brother was over. She was uncertain as to whether or not she would want to be friends with that type of person. Still with no proof, she is certain that Paul betrayed her in the Big Brother house.

Big Brother 19 Dominque Cooper

Dominique also told Julie that she would be quiet if she had to do it all over again. Dominique would not have shared all of the information with all of the other houseguests. She feels as though her honesty was her downfall in the Big Brother game, and she should have waited things out.

Once Dominque shared with Julie what she would have done differently, Julie revealed the next twist in the Big Brother game. The first four evicted houseguests would all have the opportunity to battle one another for a chance to reenter the Big Brother game in the Battle Back Showdown. The first four evictees are Cameron Heard, Jillian Parker, Cody Nickson, and Dominique.

Big Brother 19 Battle Back Showdown

Tune in tonight for a special Friday night show of Big Brother where these first evicted houseguests will try and battle their way back into the Big Brother 19 game.

Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news!

from Big Brother Access

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