Friday, July 28, 2017

Big Brother 19 Recap: Can Anyone Dethrone Paul? (7/27/17)

Just when Jessica Graf and Cody Nickson thought that they were controlling the Big Brother 19 house. However, Paul Abrahamian set a plan into motion to prove them wrong.  Last night, that plan came to fruition when Cody and Jessica’s target for eviction stayed inside the Big Brother house.  Just to add insult to injury, Paul won the week five Head of Household competition.

Big Brother 19 Paul Abrahamian

Jessica and Cody may need to reassess their allies inside the house, and someone needs to figure out how to dethrone King Paul before he walks away with the Big Brother 19 title.

There wasn’t much excitement inside the Big Brother house during the week.  Mark Jansen  had an interesting pool game with Paul where he proceeded to share valuable information.  He told Paul two important tidbits. He shared that he and Cody had cleaned the slate, and also that he isn’t pleased with a pair inside the house. Mark claims  that they keep playing the middle of the house.  Of course the implied pair was Raven Walton and Matt Clines.

This week, Jessica also attempted to spill her secret about the Halting Hex to Kevin Schlehuber.  Kevin kept the information close to his vest.  To show his loyalty to Jessica, he later admitted to her that the house was organizing a vote flip to evict Ramses Soto over Josh Martinez.

Jessica found out this information after Cody had convinced her not to use her Power of Veto  this week.  Cody may be a detrimental to Jessica’s game, but she cannot see the forest for all the trees at this point.

Big Brother 19 Game Talk

This week, Josh kept up the charade that he was the houseguest being targeted for eviction.  He had fun hamming it up to the cameras when he was alone. At the end, Cody and Jessica scrambled to make sure that they would have enough votes to evict Josh over Ramses. Because this is Big Brother, most houseguests lied when confronted about the vote.

Big Brother 19 Meatballs

During the live eviction, everyone in the house voted Ramses for eviction, with the exception of Cody, Mark, and Elena Davies.  The final results were 7-3 in favor of Ramses being evicted. Elena was absolutely the most surprised when Ramses was voted out of the house; she was kept in the dark all week about the alternative plan.

During Ramses’ exit interview with Julie Chen, Ramses revealed that he was not all that surprised with his eviction.  He explained that Paul is running the Big Brother house right now.  He shared that his strategy was to be friendly with everyone inside the house and closely befriend one houseguest.  Unfortunately, Ramses chose Jillian Parker as his ride or die, and when she was evicted in week two, Ramses never found a new home inside the Big Brother house.

Big Brother 19 Ramses Soto

This week’s HOH competition was titled ‘Inked and Evicted.’  This competition entailed that the houseguests memorize pictures of previously evicted houseguests.  The houseguests were asked true or false questions about the tattooed versions of the evicted houseguests.  Once the houseguest answered a question incorrectly, they were eliminated from the competition.  This competition lasted six rounds, and Paul was crowned the new HOH.

Big Brother HOH Competition

During the last group shot of the houseguests inside the Big Brother house, Julie asked a few questions.  She congratulated Paul on his second HOH and asked how it felt for him.

Paul explained that he was excited but also a little scared.  Julie also asked Josh how he felt being saved this week.  Josh shared that his loyalty in the game is what spared him from eviction. Most surprisingly, Julie asked Jessica how she felt about tonight’s eviction, and the answer shook Julie and all of the houseguests.  Jessica revealed to all of them that she and Cody would be safe from eviction thanks to her acceptance of the last temptation, the Halting Hex.

Big Brother 19 Temptation

The consequence for Jessica accepting the last temptation was announced as the Temptation Competition.  This consequence will be in effect for the next three weeks.  All of the houseguests will be tempted to compete for safety before the nomination ceremony.  The winner each week will be safe from nomination and therefore eviction, but the loser will be the third person nominated to the block for eviction.  Tune in Sunday to see the first Temptation Competition.

Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news!

from Big Brother Access

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