Thursday, February 17, 2022

Celebrity Big Brother 3 Episode 10 Recap: Round 5 HOH & Block Nominations

The power in the Celebrity Big Brother 3 house did a complete 180-degree turn once Carson Kressley won Head of Household. He was all set and ready to target his number one nemesis for eviction, Meisha Tate. However, Todrick Hall and Meisha had other plans.

After Shanna Moakley saved Carson from the block and certain eviction last round, she was evicted under Carson’s own HOH even though she was an ally. This was all thanks to Todrick and Meisha concocting a plan that resulted in Carson targeting Shanna instead of Meisha. The plan worked, Shanna was evicted, and Meisha and Todrick are still in the Big Brother house. More importantly, they are still a huge threat in the game.

Tonight, a new Head of Household will be crowned, and two new block nominations will be made with only a week left in the game and just six celebrities fighting for $250,000. Which side of the Big Brother house will win power this time? Will Meisha and Todrick take back the power, or will Carson and his BFF Cynthia Bailey retain control? Let’s find out.

Round 4 Live Eviction Aftermath

Lamar Odom told Todd Bridges that he was trying to get his attention during the live eviction. Lamar wanted Todd to vote out Meisha with him. Todd never got the memo, and neither voted for Meisha. Shanna was evicted by a unanimous vote.

Unbelievably, Lamar shared with the entire Big Brother house, including Meisha, that he was trying to get Todd to vote Meisha out with him. Obviously, this did not go over well with Meisha. She left the room before she said something she would later regret.

Before the last eviction vote, Carson and Cynthia made a deal with Meisha and Todrick. All four celebrities agreed to keep each houseguest safe during the next round. That means that if any of them win HOH and they honor their deal, Todd and Lamar will be going on the block.

Round 5 Head of Household Competition

This HOH competition is called Celebrity Endorsement and here is how it works. This game will consist of 7 rounds. One point will be awarded for a correct answer in each round. The celebrity with the most points after 7 rounds will win the next HOH.

The celebrities will be given a mixed drink and told what all of the ingredients are except for one missing ingredient. They must pick the missing ingredient from the ingredient board and place the tile in front of them. Once chosen, they will lock in their answer. If the correct missing ingredient is picked, each houseguest will receive one point.

Let the drinking games begin. Crazy as it may seem, Todd has expert taste buds. He ran away with this competition and won after only 5 rounds were played. Todd Bridges is the round 5 Head of Household.

As a perc for winning this competition, Todd will be launching his very own drink called the HOH-ito. He will pick two lucky celebrities to be his mascots for the next 24 hours. Todd chose Lamar and Todrick.

Time to pay up Lamar and Todrick. The mascots got dressed in their new costumes which are attached to one another for the next 24 hours. Todrick is a giant lime, and Lamar is HOH-ito.

Round 5 Plans for Block Nominations

Todd knows he wants to target Carson this week for eviction. He wants to put a decoy up on the block with Carson, and he doesn’t want to put Cynthia on the block with Carson. If he is able to get Carson out and Cynthia stays, then he can pull Cynthia over to his side. That will help him go further in the Big Brother game.

Todd asked Lamar if he was willing to be a pawn this week. Lamar agreed to be a pawn in order to help Todd and gain favor in the future should he need it. He ran his plan by Meisha who was in full agreement with the plan. Of course, Meisha was on board, she was not on the block nor was her ride-or-die Todrick.

Carson and Cynthia are happy with the plan as well because they have an opportunity for both of them to stay in the Big Brother house this week. If either of them wins the Power of Veto, Carson can be pulled off the block, and a replacement nominee will be named. If Cynthia can win the POV, she can take down Carson, and Todd won’t be able to nominate her. She will be safe because she won the POV.

Round 5 Block Nomination Ceremony

As planned and expected, Todd nominated Carson and Lamar to the block for eviction this week. With only 6 celebrities left in the Big Brother house, all of the houseguests will be competing in the POV later this week.

Join us again Friday for the POV competition and the live eviction vote.

Make sure to keep it here all February for news, recaps, exclusives, spoilers, and much more. Make sure to subscribe to Paramount+ s to get your Celebrity Big Brother 3 Live-Feeds to enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news! 

from Big Brother Access

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