Friday, February 8, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2 Live Feeds Highlights-Day 22: Kandi and Tom Disagree on Who to Target

It wasn’t a good day for the trio (Ricky Williams, Lolo Jones, and Natalie Eva Marie. It started with Lolo not being picked to play in the Veto. Instead, everyone else was picked, which hurt their chances of maybe getting someone else on the block and targeted.

Then things went from bad to worse when Tom Green won the Veto. He really wants Ricky out the house, which is understandable with their bad blood, but he’s letting the Ricky obsession cloud some of his judgment.

As Kandi Burruss pointed out, Eva Marie has a better shot at winning the next few competitions than Ricky. Kandi has been advising Tom since he won Head of Household. She has been trying to get him to see that Ricky is way less of a threat than Eva Marie, and the Lolo and Eva duo. Tom has been listening some, which is why Eva Marie ended up on the block instead of Lolo, but he refuses to see any alternative this week than evicting Ricky.

Tom and Kandi had a falling out yesterday because both were expressing their opinions about who needed to go and why. Tom was frustrated that Kandi continued to try and get him to target Eva Marie. He said he might remove her from the block, to remove her as an option, and force her to vote out Ricky. Tom even mentioned putting up Tamar Braxton.


Kandi took this as a threat She later told this to Tamar, which lead to an explosion and feed outage. Tom may use the Veto today, because he really wants a unified vote. He also insanely believes that he can still work with Lolo and Eva Marie once Ricky is gone.

Meanwhile, Ricky has accepted his fate. He continues to say that he is okay with leaving. He just didn’t like leaving this way and not performing to his best during the Power of Veto competition. Ricky believes if any of his girls (Tamar, Lolo, and Eva Marie) win, then it’s a win for him as well.

Who do you agree with in this scenario? Is Tom right? Should Kandi just vote how he wants and not make a big deal of it? Or is Kandi right? Should Tom be more strategic and less emotional?

Celebrity Big Brother Two

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