Saturday, February 2, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2 Live Feeds Highlights-Day 17: Tamar Decides Who Goes Home

Another Celebrity Big Brother 2 day down, and another day full of drama. The tension between Lolo Jones, Natalie Eva Marie, Tom Green, and Kato Kaelin has been building up for days. It started basically at the beginning of the season when Tom started to not trust Ricky Williams for his behavior towards him. Then it reached its ultimate high when Tom and Kato decided to try to backdoor Ricky. They told Lolo and Natalie about the plan, and they were not for it.

Celebrity Brother-Tamar Braxton

Then things escalated when Eva Marie didn’t use the Veto. Lolo and Eva Marie were upset that Tom and Kato were trying to backdoor someone in their alliance, and their general behavior. Kato and Tom were trying to figure out the next best move, because they knew the whole Celebrity Big Brother house was turning against them.

The move was to try to gain more allies by exposing their alliance with Lolo, Ricky, and Eva Marie. They told Dina Lohan and Joey Lawrence about the alliance. Yesterday, they filled Kandi Burruss in on everything. Friday’s Celebrity Big Brother morning started with a bang. Lolo immediately started in on Kato and Tom.

Celebrity Big Brother 2-Tamar Braxton and Kandi Burruss

It was a bunch of little blow-ups throughout the day, mainly aimed at Tom and Kato. We had Tom/Kato vs. Ricky, Tom/Kato vs. Tamar, and it just went on from there. Despite the blow-ups, the day didn’t have much going on. It was the same repetitive cycle of should they keep Kandi or Joey.

Lolo, Eva Marie, and Ricky thought Joey was the better bet because he had a better chance at winning Head of Household, and then taking out Kato or Tom. Tom and Kato wanted to keep Kandi for the opposite reason. They believed that they had a better chance of beating her in the HOH competition than Joey. They had Dina’s vote against Joey, they just needed Tamar Braxton‘s vote.

Celebrity Big Brother-Tom Green

Tamar and Kandi have restored their friendship in the house, so Tamar didn’t want to risk destroying it again by voting her out. She was set to vote to save Kandi, but then Lolo, Ricky, and Eva Marie expressed how Joey was better at the competition than Kandi, and he could help them get out Tom or Kato. They also said how Kato and Tom were trying to pull Kandi into an alliance.

This week is a stark contrast to the first one. Tamar was the main one trying to get out Kandi, and now she’s one of the few trying to save her.

Lolo and Eva Marie told Tamar that Kato mentioned her looking like Miss. Cleo because of the head wrap that she wears. This lead to an intense conversation between him and her where she accused him of being racist and sexist. The rest of the night was quiet.

Celebrity Big Brother Two

Thanks for joining us all summer long for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Big Brother 20. We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Big Brother. Join us again for Celebrity Big Brother 2 on Jan 21, and Big Brother 21 in the summer of 2019. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!

from Big Brother Access

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