Monday, January 28, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2 Week 2 Power Rankings: Who is in the Best Position?

The very first week of Celebrity Big Brother 2 has come to a close, and we’re on the heels of the second eviction of the season. It’s been a wild 12 days with blindsides, arguments, and emotions at an all-time high. With such a crazy bunch of Celebrity Big Brother houseguests, it’s hard to really pin point who is playing a game that will get them the win.

Celebrity Big Brother Eva Marie

Let’s assess where these houseguests stand moving forward in our very first Power Rankings of the season:

Natalie Eva Marie

Currently, I think Eva Marie is playing the best Celebrity Big Brother game. She’s at the center of everything, but nobody really notices. It also greatly helps her that her closest ally Lolo Jones is seen as a bigger physical threat and a bigger personality. It’s very unlikely that Natalie would be evicted before Lolo, and I don’t even think Lolo is an immediate target for most of them.

If she can remain the level-headed one in her bedroom, and keep everyone liking her, she’ll be there on finale night. She has a good shot at the win.

Kato Kaelin

Celebrity Big Brother Kato Kaelin

Kato has probably made himself a bigger target of by winning Head of Household, but he’s made minimal waves and he’s generally well-liked in there. He could be a target for some of the outsiders. But if up against Tom Green, I think it’s likely he’d stay because he’s not seen as much of a gamer as Tom, even if he is the one winning the competitions.

Tom Green

While he’s sort of pulling the puppet strings on Kato, he definitely isn’t getting his way as much as he’d like to. And despite working his way in with Lolo, Natalie, and Ricky Williams, I still think he’s seen as more expendable than many of them. He’s also got to watch his paranoia because he’s getting himself worked up over nothing most of the time.

Kandi Burruss

Celebrity Big Brother Kandi Burruss

Kandi is not doing a lot of overt strategizing, but everyone in the house likes her. She sort of floats between groups. Having survived the first eviction, I think she’s in a good spot to go deep. Eventually Kandi is going to need to win some stuff or work her own agenda but for now, she’s in a decent position and can make a deep run. Even Tamar Braxton might not be after her at the moment.

Lolo Jones

While Lolo can be a hothead sometimes, she’s got a pretty strong alliance and a good shot to win most competitions. She’s in a good position. But if someone decides to take a swing at her and Natalie, it’s most likely to come down on her. Lolo has shown that she’s got some chops though, and I’m thinking that she could work herself into a much better position if she continues to gameplay like that. Lolo also needs to keep away from the drama with Tamar.

Ricky Williams

Celebrity Big Brother Ricky Williams

Ricky is sort of in with Natalie and Lolo, but I think they are ultimately expendable to him. Lolo did him a huge favor with Tom by getting him to reaffirm that bond. Now he’s not on anyone’s list right away, but I still think Ricky is not super protected. The other side could also easily go after him as well, since he was a big part of taking Jonathan Bennett out, and they know it.

Dina Lohan

Dina could be in trouble on Monday if Ryan or Joey win the Power of Veto. Everyone likes her, but she’s not really valuable to anyone. She never should have been in trouble during a Kato Head of Household, but here we are. He is clearly not all that wise to what he should be doing, and Dina could pay the price for that.

Tamar Braxton

Celebrity Big Brother Tamar Braxton

Tamar is a mess. Every other day she’s fighting with her allies and she can’t let things go either. If she’s lucky, they’ll keep her as someone easy to beat in competitions towards the end. But she could land in the crosshairs easily any week because of her attitude and combativeness.

Joey Lawrence

It’s clear to all the houseguest that he doesn’t care about being there, so he’ll likely to continue to be a pawn week after week. This also makes him not a threat and he could actually make it deep, but it’s unlikely he fights hard for his life in the game ever especially if his allies continue to be picked off.

Ryan Lochte

Celebrity Big Brother Ryan Lochte

He’s very likely to be backdoored this week, and even if he survives, I think he’ll be a big target still. I thought he had a shot to make himself look alone and weak, but it’s hard for a decorated Olympian like himself to hide. We’ll see how it goes with the Power of Veto tomorrow. If he survives the night, he could work his way up.

Do you agree with this weeks’ power rankings? Share your thoughts with us. Be sure to follow our coverage on Twitter @BigBroAccess for live feed updates.

Celebrity Big Brother Two

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