Monday, January 28, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2 Recap: New Head of Household Crowned 01/27/2019

The first casualty of the Celebrity Big Brother 2 was sent packing last Friday evening.   During the live vote, Jonathan Bennett was evicted by a vote of 6 to 1 to 0 over Kandi Burruss and Joey Lawrence, respectively.  Jonathan was seen as a major threat in the Big Brother house by his celebrity peers which ultimately cost him the game.  Ryan Lochte was Head of Household during the first week, and Jonathan was his final two and ride-or-die.  Needless to say, Ryan’s reign as HOH did not go as planned or in his favor especially considering both he and Jonathan felt untouchable.

Ryan Lochte and Jonathan Bennett CBB2

Now that Jonathan is out of the game, Ryan must find another celeb to partner with in the game.  He has already burned bridges with his fellow teammate from the summer Olympics, Lolo Jones.   If Lolo or her cohort in crime Natalie Eva Marie win the next HOH, Ryan may be the next houseguest to be packing his bags to interview with Julie Chen Moonves.  Tonight’s HOH competition is critical to reclaim power in the Celebrity Big Brother house for all of the houseguests.

Fallout From Jonathan’s Eviction

Ryan immediately vowed to come after Lolo and company now that his ride or die has been evicted from the game.  The house is questioning who placed the lone vote for Kandi to be evicted.  To Tamar Braxton et al., Dina Lohan is the obvious choice that voted against the house and for Kandi to be evicted.  Dina has a long history with Dina’s daughter, Lindsey Lohan going back many years to when they both starred in the hit teen movie, Mean Girls.

The girls in the house become suspicious that Dina is now working with the boys in the Big Brother house being that she voted to evict Kandi.  Tamar can’t understand why the other girls are questioning who made the rogue vote for Kandi.  To her, the answer is completely obvious.  In addition, she doesn’t seem to care what the fuss is all about.  Natalie explains that the vote count is extremely important in the Big Brother game.  True!

Head of Household Competition

Time for the next HOH competition.  This is an endurance challenge with a Rock’n Roll theme and is titled Rock Til Ya Drop.  The celebs must hang onto an intermediate forward leaning wall while being pounded by things synonymous with a Rock concert such as sugar, jello shots, and beer in plastic cups with coasters.  The last celebrity standing wins HOH.

Tom Green was the first casualty to fall from the wall and was eliminated from the competition followed closely by Kandi.  Ricky Williams hit the deck next.  Then Tamar started to have a nervous breakdown.  She is afraid of heights so was afraid to jump down.  The drama was off the charts by Tamar.  After a few screams, Tamar finally made it off the wall and was eliminated.

HOH Kato Kaelin

At one hour and 13 minutes, Dina fell off the wall.  Lolo comes down next.  Then Dina starts to root against Kato Kaelin, and encourages Joey to keep hanging onto the wall.  The pep talk didn’t work, and he was next to drop.  With Natalie and Kato left, Kato eventually won and is crowned the next HOH in Celebrity Big Brother 2, after making a deal to keep Natalie safe this week.

Block Nominee Talks and Gameplay

Ryan is the first houseguest to come crawling to Kato looking to be saved from the block.  He promises an alliance to Kato and reminds Kato about the girls and their alliance in the house.  Tamar and Natalie have a private convo about the nominations and Tamar is very worried she will be put up on the block.

Kato confides to Ricky that Tamar and Dina are his top choices for block nominees at this point.  He is also considering Ryan as he is the biggest threat in the house right now.  Kato is over Tamar’s messy ways, and he is out for revenge with Dina’s comment during the HOH competition when Kato was trying to get Joey to drop and Dina insisted he stayed in the game.  Kato took that comment very seriously and against him personally.

Lolo and Tamar get into a screaming match because Tamar takes offense when Lolo doesn’t believe her about Dina lying to everyone about Kato’s intentions with the eviction vote.  Things escalate quickly between the two.  Apparently this has been brewing between the two of them for a fews days as Lolo accuses Tamar of being upset with someone every single day inside the Big Brother house.

Lolo takes the high road and apologizes to Tamar for the way she handled things and popped off so easily.  Tamar accepts her apology and they hug it out just in time for the nominations ceremony.  Here we go!

Block Nominations Ceremony

Kato decided to nominate Tamar and then Dina to the block for eviction this week.  Kato explained to Dina that she was nominated for rooting against him during the HOH competition.  Tamar was told that she was too messy in the house and always says she wants to go home as she misses her children.  Tamar didn’t take the news well and vows not to speak with Kato.  Not a smart move in the Big Brother house.

Tune in tomorrow night for the Power of Veto competition and the next celebrity live eviction.

Thanks for joining us all winter long for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Celebrity Big Brother 2We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Celebrity Big Brother. Join us again for the next episode of Celebrity Big Brother 2 tomorrow evening on Jan 28, 8 PM/ 7 PM CST. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!

from Big Brother Access

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