Sunday, January 27, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2 Live Feeds Highlights-Day 11: “Do it. Then Say It”

The Celebrity Big Brother 2 Live Feeds were down most of the day. This meant that we missed most of the action for the day. The Feeds outage began when Lolo Jones and Tamar Braxton began getting in each other’s face. They were trying to dare each other to say something offensive and then get hit.

Tamar and Lolo's Argument-Celebrity Big Brother 2

This started some major speculation in the Celebrity Big Brother community. However, nothing came of it. The feeds returned to all the houseguests still being in the house.

The feeds also returned to show that Kato Kaelin stuck to his plan of nominating Dina Lohan and Tamar for eviction. This caused immediate drama because both women didn’t like the things that he said in his speech about them. Dina didn’t appreciate being accused of wanting Kato out. She said that it was never her intentions to root against him when she told Joey Lawrence not to jump out of the Head of Household competition.

Joey Lawrence Celebrity Big Brother 2

Tamar wasn’t happy that Kato mentioned her son, and that she might be possibly missing him. Kato and Tamar later had a long talk to resolve everything.

Kandi Burruss and a few others tried to tell Tamar that she wasn’t the target. However, she was convinced that she would be leaving.

Joey and others tried to mention the things that happened when the feeds went down, but the feeds kept shutting down or switching. The same happened when they made attempts to talk about Anthony Scaramucci’s exit.

Ryan Lochte could clearly see that Kato, Lolo, Natalie Eva Marie, and Tom Green were in an alliance. He told Dina that they needed to form one with him, her, Joey, Kandi, and Ricky Williams. Speaking of Ricky, Tom still doesn’t trust him. He kept trying to get his group to consider backdooring Ricky this week. His alliance members continued to shut it down. They saw Ricky as the fifth member of their group.

Ryan Lochte Celebrity Big Brother 2

Lolo and Eva Marie still want Ryan out. They tried to convince Kato that backdooring Ryan was the best option for this week, but Tom and him weren’t quite sure about it. However, at the end of the night, they were leaning more towards that direction. Kato still wants Dina out if the nominations stayed the same. Joey mentioned that this week’s Power of Veto Competition and Ceremony happens live during Monday’s live eviction.

So on Monday, there will be the Power of Veto Ceremony and Competition plus another eviction.

Celebrity Big Brother Two

Thanks for joining us all summer long for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Big Brother 20. We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Big Brother. Join us again for Celebrity Big Brother 2 on Jan 21, and Big Brother 21 in the summer of 2019. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!

from Big Brother Access

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