JC Mounduix has walked down a complicated road to get to the Big Brother 20 finale. He’s manipulated a lot of players along the way, but never really created a strong enough bonds to become someone’s real ride or die. This fatal error is the main reason that JC is likely to finish in third place on Big Brother 20.
However, strange things can and will happen during the Big Brother finale, so there is still some hope that Tyler Crispen or Kaycee Clark might bring him along instead of facing off against each other. If JC makes it to the end by some Big Brother miracle, does he have a chance to win the game?
Let’s dive into JC’s game and examine the strengths and weaknesses of it.
JC managed to make both Level 6 and the Hive believe he was on their side. In reality, he didn’t want to commit to either, but he was way more loyal to Level 6 because of Tyler. His influence over the Hive, specifically Faysal Shafaat (and sometimes Haleigh Broucher) allowed him to help Level 6 stay in control all season. Level 6 received a lot of damaging information about the Hive from JC. He was also able to manipulate them because he used his natural social abilities to make himself seem very honest and like he had their best interest in mind.
One of his best moves was setting up Scottie Salton to be evicted, and making sure Haleigh and Faysal distrusted him enough to get him out instead of Level 6. Another move was to constantly confuse the Hive when he told him that he voted with them, but didn’t at all. The Hive ended up trusting JC too much, so he was never really someone they wanted to get rid of, despite him not being a member of their group. The hard work JC put in with the Hive made Level 6 feel grateful and indebted to him, so he kept going lower and lower on their target list.
Eventually, JC let Tyler influence him too much, and he went from thinking he was the puppet master to becoming another one of Tyler’s puppets. The more JC let Tyler get in his head, the more control he lost. JC’s biggest mistake was letting Level 6 completely demolish the Hive, and even helping them get rid of players that would have been loyal to him, like Faysal, Brett Robinson, and even Rachel Swindler to some degree.
This made it easy for Level 6 to do whatever they wanted without having to worry too much about JC getting revenge. His inability to win most of the Big Brother 20 competition also made JC have to rely heavily on his social game, especially his ability to influence others. Until it was too late, he underestimated Tyler and overestimated his influence on him. JC seems a lot more self-aware that Tyler doesn’t really have his back, but there isn’t much he can do about it now.
JC’s lack of competition wins could hurt his case to the jury, but it could also help by reminding people that he got this far with pure social game skills. He also won one of the most critical Head of Household competitions of the season, and then used it to get out Angela Rummans, enemy number one for most of the jury members. That move alone will get JC major points with the jurors, especially if he paints it like he convinced Kaycee Clark to save Tyler over Angela, but that story won’t work once everyone knows that Kaycee and Tyler have been together since day two.
JC’s inability to see the game how it really was, not just how he believed it to be, will hurt his winning chances. The jury will start to think that he was just as clueless as some of them, which means he’s not the mastermind, strong player that they thought. If Jc makes it to the end, he has a strong case about how he got what he wanted most weeks, took out a huge threat, and remained loyal to his ride or die.
He’ll have to navigate around how he didn’t exactly know what Level 6 was really up to, and basically did their dirty work. However, being the underdog in this scenario should win JC a lot of credit with the jury.
Join us tomorrow and Wednesday when we analyze Tyler and Kaycee’s Big Brother 20 games.
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from Big Brother Accesshttp://bigbrotheraccess.com/why-jc-mounduix-deserves-to-win-big-brother-20-3535053/
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