Monday, October 23, 2017

LeeAnne Locken Denies That She Wants To Destroy Cary Deuber’s Family; Only Speaking To D’Andra Simmons & Kameron Westcott After Filming Reunion

LeeAnne Locken Shoots Down Accusations That She Wants To Destroy Cary Deuber’s Family; Only Speaking To D’Andra Simmons & Kameron Westcott After FI

Even though the Real Housewives of Dallas Season 2 reunion hasn’t aired yet, it is very clear that there are two distinct sides: LeeAnne Locken, D’Andra Simmons, and Kameron Westcott vs. Brandi Redmond, Stephanie Hollman, and Cary Deuber. Sure there’s been a revolving door of friendships this season with LeeAnne and Brandi getting along here and there, but the long term loyalties are pretty obvious – minus Cary bouncing back and force between both camps.

The self-proclaimed “Mouth from the South” LeeAnne opened up about the last RHOD episode and the recently taped reunion.

LeeAnne shared her thoughts on Cary (once again) in her Bravo blog.

LeeAnne wrote, “OK, let’s start with Crazy Cary: she says that I want to destroy her, her husband, her kids, and her practice. LUDICROUS. Reality check time. We are BOTH competitive individuals and are constantly trying to ‘win’ situations. Sadly, when I feel poked, I have a tendency to hit below the belt with my words. As you saw last week, so does she. The only difference is that her behavior will be excused by the group while mine will not.”

They are both doing the same shit to each other, but LeeAnne gets crucified no matter what she does. How does no one see that pretty much nothing Cary says adds up? Ever.

LeeAnne theorized, “I feel that in this group of women, there are three girls who truly believe that if they say it enough, everyone will believe it to be true. It’s called manipulation, and it’s a tactic they use regularly. They do this by misquoting my words, exaggerating what actually happened, or even manufacturing words that never existed at times.”

Considering that LeeAnne is aligned with Kameron and D’Andra, the “three girls” she is referencing have to be enemies Stephanie and Cary along with on-again-off-again friend Brandi.

Speaking of LeeAnne’s frienemy Brandi, it’s so tough to understand their dynamic – especially when they’re both at odds with Cary. LeeAnne explained, “I told Brandi about what Cary said for one very good reason: I am all about the truth. I will always seek the truth and make it known. Watching Cary ‘pretend’ to be Brandi’s friend in Mexico was unsettling, and it wasn’t truthful. As someone who had spent the last year and a half protecting and supporting Brandi, I wouldn’t be a very good friend if I didn’t tell her what was said about her.”

It seems like issues with Cary are uniting LeeAnne and Brandi – for now – but this was all filmed a while ago and LeeAnne strongly hints that the peace between the two of them doesn’t last. LeeAnne wrote, “Hearing Brandi tell Steph, ‘The one thing I’ve learned about LeeAnne is that sometimes she’s wrong; sometimes she gets fired up and mad, but she is going to be HONEST WITH YOU’ was a moment that I appreciated. Why? Because for just a second, Brandi was loyal and honest about me. I know this too will pass soon, but for this brief moment, I am grateful that I let Brandi get to know me.”

And it wouldn’t be a LeeAnne blog without responding to some digs from Stephanie. LeeAnne wrote, “Now, for another example of how sweet and kind Steph is: When asked about my flesh eating bacteria her response is, ‘Whatever! I don’t care!’ Do her faith and morals only apply sometimes, when it benefits her sugary-sweet persona? My body was quite literally being eaten alive by a fast-spreading, serious disease — something that a woman should understand and support another woman about. Instead, Steph made it a point to say she didn’t care and did so with a laugh. Is anyone getting a clearer picture of the level of low she will go to?”

LeeAnne wasn’t done ranting about Cary though. She said, “So, Cary said that Brandi was joining the ‘LeeAnne train.’ I just have to ask, why do you think that? Is it because Brandi couldn’t possibly have an original thought, make her own decisions or even her own friends? Is that how little you think of her? Think of where your motives are coming from; they are often selfish and trying to keep Brandi in a box.”

As per usual, Cary did not own anything that she has said IN FRONT OF REALITY TV CAMERAS. LeeAnne recapped, “When Brandi asked Cary about her statement of not wanting to be friends, she did everything BUT own it. After a few minutes of the back-and-forth, I’d had enough. It was time to bring out the note cards, which, by the way, is a method many therapists recommend as an approach to discussion, especially when it comes to serious topics.”

LeeAnne continued, “I thought that was a positive sign to the others, but what did Cary do? Poke me. ‘How’s that anger management going?’ That’s acting like a bully. If I had been at full strength, I probably would have been strong enough to ignore it, but weakened and exhausted by the disease, I jumped to defend myself.”

LeeAnne recapped, “As per her character, did Cary own what she said about Brandi’s doctor? No. Did she own that she enjoyed having the dildo come out to play in Mexico? No. Brandi was right: Cary is completely mesmerized by her own bullsh– and everything else about herself.”

And then there’s the recent revelation that Cary used to nanny for Mark [Deuber] and his previous wife. LeeAnne admitted, “NANNY GATE. Wasn’t expecting that at all, y’all. Did you see my face? I was shocked but felt some strange relief that last year when I said there were rumors everywhere, I was right. If the rumors made it all the way to Plano, they are only growing.” There’s definitely some subtle shade at the end there saying that the rumors spread outside of Dallas. These ladies are all about the zip codes.

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, LeeAnne described the recent reunion taping by saying, “[It was] fire, just fire. There were some good matches. I will say, I was really proud of the new girls. I was really proud.” She also said that the two new girls (D’Andra and Kameron) are the only cast members that she was speaking to before and after the reunion.

RELATED: LeeAnne Locken “Will Never Trust” Brandi Redmond, Stephanie Hollman, & Cary Deuber


[Photo Credit: Bravo]

The post LeeAnne Locken Denies That She Wants To Destroy Cary Deuber’s Family; Only Speaking To D’Andra Simmons & Kameron Westcott After Filming Reunion appeared first on Reality Tea.

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