Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Big Brother 19 Week 8 Power Ranking–Two New Players Take Paul’s Power

We’ve still have about a month left of Big Brother 19, believe it or not, and things are shifting as they always do. The Big Brother 19 house imploded on Monday once again, but thing haven’t changed that much as a result. Unfortunately, much remains the same despite some shifting dynamics. Like it has been for a while, we’re just waiting for people to compare notes and take down Paul Abrahamian

Big Brother 19 PAul Abrahamain, Jason dent. Alex ow, Josh martinez, Christmas Abbott

Without further ado, here are this week’s Big Brother 19 power rankings:

8. Matt – With Matt’s penalty vote and insistence on going home, it’s hard to see the houseguests going against his wishes. Before the Power of Veto ceremony it was discussed that maybe taking out Raven Walton is the better move, but seems to have dissipated. It will most likely fall back on voting out Matt. He showed a bit of life this week when Kevin Schlehuber wasn’t backdoored, but that was probably it; he still doesn’t realize what a fool he was all season long. Good riddance.

7. Kevin – Poor Kevin is the new Mark Jansen. He really cannot catch a break and somehow gets blamed for everything despite not really having had the chance to do much in the Big Brother 19 game. It would be interesting to see him win power, though he’d probably just do what others want and gun for Raven. It’s gotten nasty seeing Paul wind everyone up about Kevin. And really, they are all going to feel awful when they realize that Kevin has pretty much been loyal and upstanding all season long. The only deceptive things thathe really did were what Paul requested. If only he would out that, but would they even buy it at this point?

Big Brother 19 Matt Clines and Kevin Schlehuber

6. Jason – If not for his Head of Household win this week, Jason was primed to be the main target. This week, Jason took all of the blame for not backdooring Kevin and lying about his plan. Instead of letting the others take some of the heat, he took it all, and it’s going to hurt him one way or another. I don’t think he’ll make it to the end unless he goes on a major competition run, but with just accepting blame from Matt and Raven, it’s not a great look.

5. Raven – Raven got fired up on Monday as expected, though the others want to use her to go after targets like Kevin and Jason. And it makes sense, because she’s really not a threat to win many competitions or the game overall. If things don’t go her way, she can easily go out next. Some of them actually want her out before Jason or Kevin, but it will depend on who wins what competitions and how she fits into everyone else’s plans. It seems like she’d just end up working with Paul, Christmas, and Alex.

Big Brother 19 Raven Walton

4. Alex – Alex is seen as the more innocent of the Jason/Alex duo, especially with what’s gone down this week. But her attitude and kicking people when they are down is not going to earn her much respect. Despite being a competitor, I’m not sure Alex is capable of earning the votes to win the game, if she even makes it that far. Most of them want her out at five anyways as they see her as too big of a threat to take deep. I think she’ll be very bitter when her or Jason are finally taken out, especially if it’s before Kevin or Raven.

3. Paul – Paul is still running this game, but as I say almost every week, it only takes a few conversations for his house of cards to come tumbling down. It just isn’t happening. These people are too scared to compare notes or say anything against Paul at all, it seems. I’ll keep up hope that things could change, but I’m not sure. He has these people doing what he wants and not seeing the bigger picture. It’s baffling how this has been maintained and beyond frustrating to watch, especially with the way he riles people up to get involved in arguments.

Big Brother 19 Paul Abrahamian and Kevin Schlehuber

2. Christmas – Despite Christmas argument with Kevin, she’s still in a great spot. Paul and Josh are protecting her and she’s made good inroads with Alex, Jason and Raven too. I wish she didn’t so quickly discard her relationship with Kevin, but she’s been quick to turn on people when the house turns on them. She maintains that Paul is loyal to her and Josh (and he is) but that doens’t mean they should risk taking him to the end. She needs to listen to Josh a bit more and wake up to see that taking Paul out when they have a chance is the best thing for her game.

1. Josh – Josh seems to be the only one expressing real doubt in Paul. He confides this in Christmas but she has shot it down recently for the most part, which is odd considering Christmas used to be the one voicing these concerns. While he still gets involved in arguments far too often, he does his apology tour and ends up in a fine spot. Nobody is targeting him anytime soon and he could get very lucky and end up having the chance to take out Paul at the very end, which may actually earn him the victory.

Big Brother 19 Josh Martinez

Thanks for reading! As always, we’d love to hear your thoughts as well. Be sure to check us out on Twitter @BigBroAccess for updates from the house and commentary on the live shows!

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