Monday, August 28, 2017

Big Brother 19-8/27/17-Recap: Jason and Alex’s Rogue Votes Stir Up the House

During last Thursday’s Big Brother 19 eviction of Mark Jansen from the Big Brother  house, two players cast rogue votes against Matt Clines. Those votes were only supposed to be one rogue vote, and the plan was for Jason Dent to place that one hinky vote. Jason held up his end of the deal and voted for Matt at the Big Brother 2017 eviction ceremony.

Big Brother 19 HOH Competition

However, his partner in crime, Alex Ow, made a mistake while casting her vote. Alex’s actions not only added more chaos to the Big Brother 19 house, but it also threw a wrench into their game plan. Before we dissect those rogue votes, let’s catch up on this week’s Head of Household competition.

“Everyone’s a Weiner” was the title for this week’s HOH competition. The houseguests were instructed to hang on for as long as they could inside of their life-size hotdog buns, while also being pelted with condiments like ketchup, mustard, and relish. The hotdog buns also occasionally moved backwards and forwards to make this endurance competition even more challenging. The last houseguest to stay inside their bun would be crowned the next HOH.

To no one’s surprise, Kevin Schlehuber was the first to fall out of his hotdog bun after a mere 17 minutes had elapsed. Matt lost his grip only 20 minutes into the comp, and Josh Martinez wasn’t too far behind Matt. Paul Abrahamian took an intended spill after 53 minutes, while Raven Walton fell off just a few seconds after Paul.  (Paul didn’t want any blood on his hands this week, and he set up things perfectly so that he didn’t need to be in that position.)

Big Brother 19 Paul Abrahamian

Alex and Jason were the only two houseguests left clinging onto their hotdog buns. Ironically, they are each others ride-or-die. When neither of them wanted to purposely let go of their bun and fall, the other houseguests became a bit annoyed with their behavior knowing they are in each other’s corner. Alex finally gave in to Jason, since his  HOH only lasted a few minutes thanks to the double eviction. Jason won HOH, and finally got to enjoy a week’s worth of luxury.

Before the Head of Household competition was over, the houseguests already began talking about the two rogue votes cast for Matt. As a refresher, before the last eviction vote Jason, Alex and Paul made the plan to cause some chaos in the house. They set out for Jason to cast a rogue vote for Matt so that the houseguests would believe Kevin cast the hinky vote to stir drama.

Kevin has been accused of making rogue votes more than once this season. Unfortunately, Alex froze like a deer caught in the headlights during her vote and accidentally gave Julie Chen Matt’s name instead of Mark during the live eviction ceremony.

Alex’s mistake caused even more of an uproar in the Big Brother house, because now there were two rogue votes rather than just one. This didn’t really affect Jason and Alex’s game plan until Jason cracked under the pressure and blabbed to Kevin that he, in fact, had made one of the rogue votes.

Big Brother 19 Kevin Schlehuber

To add more fuel to the fire, Jason added that he thought Alex was the other rogue vote. Jason, what are you thinking? Needless to say, Jason and Alex both made serious faux pas’ when it came to the rogue votes this week. Hopefully they can get their acts together to avoid future mistakes of this kind.

So far, their plan has worked because the houseguests believe that Kevin cast one of the votes for Matt. They don’t seem too concerned with that second vote, at least for the moment. Kevin is very upset that the house thinks he cast a rogue vote when he had nothing to do with…this time. In the end, the plan to throw him under the bus might just work to backdoor Matt or Raven without them even knowing what is happening to them.

Jason’s plan for the week is to nominate Matt and Raven Walton to the block, and then have the house evict one of them this up coming Thursday evening. Paul will tell Matt and Raven that they are only being placed on the block as a decoy to backdoor Kevin. Sounds like a solid plan.

Big Brother 19 Paul Abrahamian

To set the plan in motion, Jason works on making Kevin not too about the strange votes this week. Next, Jason totally convinces Raven that he is fed up with Kevin’s loser mentality. Jason adds that he is frustrated with Kevin because he never wins any competition nor does he try to win, so it appears. Raven relays this info to Matt, and now they both seem to be completely on board with the “backdoor Kevin but really evict Maven plan” for the week.

As long as Kevin doesn’t win the Power of Veto, or some other act of God occurs inside the Big Brother house this week, either Matt or Raven should be heading over to the jury house come Thursday.

Check back with us daily for all the weekly updates on what’s happening in the Big Brother house.

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from Big Brother Access

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