Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Who Won Head of Household on Big Brother Last Night 11/16/2016?

The road to the Big Brother Over the Top finals won’t easy for any of the final five. It’s been eight very long BBOTT weeks for the players. They have had a house war all season. There has been petty behavior, malicious comments, and epic and losses. Now as we approach the end game, we may be in for a wild ride.

We have three members of the original Late Night Jamboree still in the game, Jason Roy, Kryssie Ridolfi, and Justin Duncan. The LNJ went into this week’s head of household competition right after losing one of their own: Danielle Lickey.

However, Justin had plotted with the Ball Smashers to get two of his former alliance members out of the BBOTT house. He is still playing the  middle. The remaining Ball Smashers are Shelby Stockton and Morgan Willett. Despite it being 3-2 odds, no one-well except Kryssie- is remaining completely loyal to their alliance members.

Morgan realizes that Shelby has positioned herself in a good spot to win the game. She doesn’t want to get the blood on her hands by getting Shelby out by her vote, but she knows it’s best for her game. Justin has constantly mentioned not trusting Jason. He wants him out the Big Brother Over the Top house.


Jason knows that Justin hasn’t been loyal, and has a good chance of winning the game. He wants Justin out. So even if one side seems doomed this week, it all comes down to the veto.

This week’s HOH competition involved houseguests answering trivia questions to reduce their chances of falling off a post. The HOH competition started with the four players (Kryssie, Morgan, Justin, and Jason) answering seven trivia questions.

The had to choose between the answers males or females. After answering all the questions, they stood on one post. Every five minutes, Big Brother revealed an answer. Whoever answered incorrectly had to advance to a new post.

After all answers were revealed, players had to still advance every five minutes until they reached the last and smallest post.

By the end of the questions reveal, Justin and Jason had already been eliminated. It came down to Morgan versus Kryssie. They both made it to the final post, but Kryssie fell off soon after.


Morgan won this week’s HOH competition! She advances to the final four.

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from Big Brother Access

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