Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Who Was Evicted on Big Brother Last Night 10/19/2016?

The Ball Smashers have wanted Danielle Lickey out of the Big Brother Over the Top house for three weeks. They tried to get her out the first week, after Jason Roy won the power of veto, but she flipped the house (along with America’s influence) against voting out Cornbread instead of Kryssie Ridolfi.

Big Brother Over the Top

The following Big Brother Over the Top week, the house divided their vote, but ultimately Monte Massongill went home.This week, the Ball Smashers have a perfect chance to vote out Danielle. However, current head of household Scott Dennis really wants to evict Shane Chapman.

The houseguests have debated whether to really give into Scott’s demands, but ultimately it seems like they will vote Shane out instead of Danielle. Did the Ball Smashers and the Misfits give Scott what he wanted?

Alex voted to evict Shane
Kryssie voted to evict Danielle
Justin voted to evict Danielle
Morgan voted to evict Shane
Jason voted to evict Danielle
Shelby voted to evict Shane
Whitney voted to evict Shane

America voted to evict Danielle

BBOTT Shane Chapman and Danielle Lickey

Neeley got 0 votes, Shane and Danielle both got four votes. Therefore Scott got to break the tie. He decided to vote Shane out the Big Brother Over the Top house.

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