Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Big Brother 18 Predictions: Does Paul Have the Votes to Beat Nicole?

The Big Brother 18 finale is starting to look more and more like a Paul Abrahamian and Nicole Franzel showdown. Both have claimed they would take the other to the finale but no one knows for sure. Paul seems all in for a Nicole and him battle. Nicole seems more hesitant.

Big Brother 18-Nicole Franzel and Paul Abrahamian

However, Nicole and Paul have grown even closer as the Big Brother 2016 finale approaches. Therefore, it might be a safe bet to theorize a Paul and Nicole final two. With lack of jury round table footage, it’s hard to see where the jury is leaning at this moment.

So a Paul versus Nicole scenario adds for the most excitement, due to its unpredictability. Paul has made less outward enemies in the jury house. However, once the jurors start talking, they may discover Paul’s dishonesty.

He told Da’Vonne Rogers that he had no clue about her eviction, but clearly knew. This might hurt him once other players spill the beans. However, Da’Vonne probably moved pass that, and likely to blame Paulie Calafiore more for it.

Players might also argue that for the first half of the game, Paul was just another puppet for Paulie. This could hurt him, since Nicole basically played her own game all season. On the other hand, Nicole was able to lay low for most of the game due to bigger targets.

Paul had a target on his back all season. He darted and dashed his way to the end. People have to admire him for fighting his way to the end. Natalie Negrotti and Michelle Meyer provide the most interesting votes.

Both felt wronged by Nicole and Paul. So it comes down to who they felt most betrayed by in the Big Brother game. Paulie and Zakiyah Everette also have interesting votes because both were close at one point with Paul and Nicole.

It comes down to who they believed played the best game, and who they feel more loyal to in the end. It’s hard to call but we believe the votes will fall this way:

Da’Vonne voting for Nicole to win
Bridgette Dunning voting for Paul to win
Zakiyah voting for Nicole to win
Paulie voting for Nicole to win
Michelle voting for Paul to win
Natalie voting for Paul to win
Victor Arroyo voting for Paul to win
Corey  Brooks voting for Nicole to win
James Huling voting for Nicole to win

Nicole barely wins by a 5-4 vote.

Da’Vonne’s vote is the hardest to predict in this scenario. However, we think she might vote for Nicole just to give it to a woman, and someone who comes from a little more financially humble background than Paul. Plus Paul was the Head of Household during her eviction.

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from Big Brother Accesshttp://bigbrotheraccess.com/big-brother-18-predictions-does-paul-have-the-votes-to-beat-nicole-3525598/

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