Thursday, June 23, 2016

What Happened on Big Brother Last Night? 6/23/2016

Last night kicked off the 2016 summer of Big Brother 18. All the waiting and anticipation was finally over to see who the new houseguests were, along with returning players, twists, drama and much more. As we learned a few days ago, this season will be a record breaking 99 days in the Big Brother house.

Big Brother 18 Premiere 5

Last night’s main focus was to introduce the new houseguests to the Big Brother house and America. As we got to know the newly welcomed Big Brother 18 cast, we also learned from last night’s episode that they had taken no time getting down to business.

As usual, houseguests entered the Big Brother house as groups. The first group to enter the BB18 house were Natalie Negrotti, Victor Arroyo, Michelle Meyer, and Paul Abrahamian. They were followed by Bronte D’Acquisto, Zakiyah Everette, Paulie Calafiore, and Glenn Garcia. The last houseguests to enter were Tiffany Rousso, Corey Brooks, Bridgette Dunning, and Jozea Flores.

As usual, the houseguests toured the house and introduced themselves. Tiffany and Paulie choose not to tell they are related to past players Vanessa Rousso and Cody Calafiore, but Michelle was already onto figuring out Tiffany is Vanessa’s sister.

2016 Big Brother 18 Cast 7


Host Julie Chen interrupted the houseguests to inform them they will have three major twists during the two-night premiere. The first twist was that there were four stowaways hiding in the Big Brother 18 house. The newbies quickly learned who those returnees would be when Nicole Franzel, Da’Vonne Rogers, James Huling, and Frank Eudy popped out of luggage trunks to join the cast.

Paul, Jozea, and Zakiyah were already feeling the tension of having four returning houseguests. The veterans conspired with each other that they should stick together since they already know how it goes. Paul told the other newbies he thinks the returning players need to go since they already had their chance to win.

Now that the house was complete with the four returning houseguests, they introduced themselves as well. While everyone was chatting, Paulie decided to confess to the group that his brother is Cody Calafiore. Once he announced that, Davonne started thinking Tiffany looked very familiar, and decided she was Vanessa’s sister, leaving her to wonder if something was going on this season that she may not know about.

Big Brother 18 Premiere

Julie announced twist number two that the houseguests will play as teams this season. Teams would be in groups of four, and they would all participate in choosing their teams. Since Nicole, Da’vonne, James and Frank are returning players, they were granted leaders for the team twist. Each of them picked one houseguest to join them, and then that houseguest picked the next one, and so on. As an added twist, they all had to pick houseguests of a different gender, so each team ended up with two guys and two girls.

Teams were as followed:

James: Natalie, Victor, Bronte.
Nicole: Corey, Tiffany, Glenn.
Frank: Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette.
Da’Vonne: Paul, Zakiyah, Jozea.

The first competition this season was “Ride the rocket”. Each team had to stay on a large, slippery, moving rocket on as long as possible. When everyone from one team fell off, they were eliminated from the competition.

Tiffany fell off first then Glenn. Nicole fell off leaving Corey as the remaining player on their team. Michelle and Bridgette fell next, followed by Frank. Only Paulie was left for team Frank. Da’Vonne and Zakiyah slide off next, followed by Paul and Jozea. That means their team landed in ‘Not-burg’, which leaves them as Have-Nots for the week. James, Natalie, and Bronte are the next to come off their rockets, leaving just Victor behind on their team. Paulie is the next off, which means Frank’s team landed in ‘Mysteryland and will face a future mystery punishment.

Big Brother 18 Premiere 2

The last two on the rockets are Corey and Victor. Corey eventually becomes the next one to fall,which means Nicole’s team gets to split $10,000. Victor saves Team James for the next two evictions by holding on the longest!

After the teammates finish up the first competition, they decide that maybe they should rename their teams. James’ team is Team Unicorn, Frank’s team is named “Category 4”, Nicole’s team is the Freakazoids and Da’vonne’s team is Big Sister.

When Tiffany entered the Big Brother house, she vowed not to tell anyone she was related to BB17’s Vanessa because she didn’t want it to ruin her game. But that secret is soon challenged when Michelle is talking to Tiffany. Tiffany thought that Michelle was Nicole’s sister but Michelle denied it and told Tiffany she knew she was Vanessa’s sister. At first Tiffany tried to lie about it, but then finally admitted it but asked Michelle not to say a word to anyone. Did she make the wrong choice by telling Michelle something like that?

Big Brother 18 Premiere

Team Category 4 wins the second competition round and is guaranteed their safety for the week. The 3rd competition round winners will be safe if they win this comp. The loser team members will have to fight each other in the final competition round to decide who will be HoH and who will be evicted. That’s the third twist of the night.

Team Big Sister wins the third round of the competition, leaving Team Freakazoids having to battle their teammates, with one of them going home after just barely being in the house. Tonight on Big Brother, one houseguest will be evicted, leaving only three remaining team members for the Freakazoids.


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