Monday, March 7, 2016

Big Brother Canada 4: Weekend #2 Recap

Big Brother Canada 4 is now underway and there’s been a lot of action this opening weekend! Did you miss out and want to know what’s been happening? Well good news: we’ve got you covered with our first Weekend Round-Up!


Source: Global TV Canada

Please be aware that there are spoilers below, do not proceed if you do not wish to know the results of Nomination Ceremony, Power of Veto Competiton, and the Power of Veto Ceremony!

When the feeds came on Thursday evening, it was revealed that Jared had become Head of Household. His closest allies, Kelsey and Raul, were elated to be in power after being on the bottom during the first week. Meanwhile, Sharry, Loveita, Maddy, and Ramsey were not pleased that they were knocked out of a powerful position.

Dallas was also on the wrong side of the vote, but lied to fellow houseguests when asked about how he had voted, leaving Jared, Kelsey, and Raul unsure of who the fourth vote to evict Kelsey was. Cassandra maintained that it was Dallas, but she also has not gotten off to a great start with him on a personal level.

The first night had other antics as the houseguests started to get to know wildcards Tim and Nikki. There was much drama regarding where everyone would sleep before Have Nots were declared. All eventually was resolved with nobody having to sleep on the floor.

The Have Not competition resulted in Loveita, Sharry, Joel, and Cassandra being stuck in the Wedding Chapel with aisles of seats to sleep on and being forced to eat slop.

While he considered other options, Jared ended up nominating Loveita and Sharry as planned, with Loveita as his intended target. However, much of the rest of the house feels that Sharry is a bigger threat in the game moving forward. Tim and Cassandra in particular have been discussing this particular subject.

The Power of Veto players selected were Mitchell, Christine, and Philippe. Christine ended up winning the Power of Veto.

Meanwhile, Dallas was cornered by Jared, Kelsey, Raul, and Ramsey about his vote once again. After Kelsey repeating that they already knew, they asked Ramsey to leave the room and Dallas admitted to voting Kelsey out. He told them that he intentionally pushed the houseguests to vote Paige out so that he could keep his word to Loveita.

He also outed his alliances: one with Loveita, Sharry, Ramsey and Maddy, and another with Cassandra, Ramsey, and the Paquette brothers. He claimed a final two deal was struck with Ramsey as well. Dallas was aggressive during this confrontation but expressed a willingness to work with Kelsey, Raul, and Jared moving forward.

Cassandra and Loveita plotted to attempt to backdoor Dallas, but ultimately it was a failed plan and Christine did not use the Power of Veto. Thus, Loveita or Sharry will be evicted on Thursday. Who will be evicted? Stay tuned!

Be sure to check our Big Brother Canada 4 feeds updates on our Twitter @BigBroAccess!

from Big Brother Access

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