Thursday, March 3, 2016

Big Brother Canada 4: Premiere Recap

Big Brother Canada’s fourth season kicked off last night! We met our fifteen new houseguests and Arisa introduced a few twists! Finally, they competed in their first Head of Household competition! Want a reminder of what went down? We’ve got it all right here!


Source: Global TV Canada

Season four is introduced to us by a swanky, sleek intro sequence that also brings in the casino theme that appears to be a part of the house design and potential twists this winter. While much is still very vague, Arisa informs the viewers “the house always wins.”

We then meet our first group of houseguests: Dallas, Cassandra, Maddy, Philippe, and Sharry. I was surprised to see that so many of the big personalities were grouped together. These segments are mostly just filler but it gives us an idea of who production sees these houseguests as and what they want us to see. Maddy was labeled a “gym rat” which is something that didn’t come across in her profile. Dallas comes across as the life of the party and fixates on his east coast pride. Cassandra almost comes across like Big Brother 16’s Victoria Rafaeli, a pampered princess who gets what she wants. Philippe fixates on his career as a DJ, and Sharry is shown with her girlfriend. They enter the house, somewhat subdued and the first room they enter in the storage room.

The next group is then introduced: Raul, Loveita, Joel, Jared, and Kelsey. From the get go, they are pushing a showmance between Jared and Kelsey before they’ve even step foot into the house. Loveita mentions her past working in the oil industry which was news to me. Joel reveals that he’s never had a girlfriend and is saving himself for someone special. Meanwhile, Raul seems to channel season one’s Gary Levy with his love for fashion and flair. Like the first group, they enter somewhat calmly and start getting to know one another.

The final group of houseguests to enter are: Paige, Mitchell, Ramsey, and Christine. Paige shows that she’s not to be messed with and discusses her involvement in hunting. Mitchell focuses on his YouTube career and boyfriend. While Ramsey highlights his Muslim beliefs and Christine speaks about being a cleaner and having two adult children.

They join the rest of their housemates and we see a brief clip of them getting introductions out of the way after Joel pops the champagne. In the first aired Diary Room of the season, Maddy says she doesn’t like Kelsey and finds her fake. Meanwhile, Dallas can’t believe that Christine is 47 and implies that she looks great for her age.

Arisa then reveals the “Double Down” twist to us and introduces Philippe’s younger brother Nicholas. He enters the house which would be strange in any case since he’s entering alone, but he and Philippe pretend to not know one another. Arisa explains that they did not know ahead of time that they’d both be houseguests, which may or may not be true. She also reveals that they’ll be playing as one houseguest, alternating for competitions and being nominated and/or evicted together. She blows their cover by announcing it to the house and it leads to them feeling like targets.

We are then brought to the backyard for the first Head of Household competition. The competition involves them standing on a small pedestal that narrows as time goes on as they hold onto a rope and are squirted with ice cold water throughout the game.Nicholas is competing for the brothers since he won the rock-paper-scissors game they played.

Before the game began, houseguests voted on who they expected to be first out and the winner of this endurance contest. Joel was expected to be first out, and if he does better than this, he will be immune for the week. Meanwhile, Nick was expected to win, so if he does not, he’ll be in solitary confinement for the evening.

The competition kicks off and despite not wanting to go out first, Cassandra drops due to her makeup and hair being ruined, as she tells us in he DR. She reveals that she had no intentions of winning anyways. Joel then drops right away after achieving immunity for the week. Despite wanting to win, Dallas drops next and has a good attitude about it.

As the houseguests go down to the next foothold, Christine drops followed by Paige and Maddy. We go to a commercial break with Nick, Sharry, Loveita, Raul, Jared, Kelsey, Mitchell, and Ramsey still remaining in the competition with Nick worried about letting his brother Philippe down if he doesn’t win it for them and having to suffer through solitary confinement for the night.

After the break, Nick falls and takes down Sharry with him. It seems as though many of the other houseguests were just trying to outlast Nick because many of them fall right after leaving a showdown between Loveita and Jared. Wanting to end the competition quickly, Jared asks if Loveita would keep him safe if he gives her Head of Household, and she agrees. Thus, he jumps down and Loveita is crowned the first Head of Household of Big Brother Canada 4!

Arisa then tells fans about the International Wildcard twist and we get a chance to meet Nikki, Jase, Veronica, and Tim. She explains that viewers can vote on who they want to enter the house and that it will all be happening tomorrow after the first eviction.

The show closes and we’re left with many questions. Who will Loveita nominate? Will there be a Power of Veto competition and who will win? And ultimately, who is going to be first evicted? Most importantly, are they going to be able to fit all of that and the International Wildcard reveal and entrance within a one hour show tonight? It all will be revealed to us tonight, at 8:00 PM Eastern on Big Brother Canada 4! And feeds will kick off sometime after the show tonight. Arisa may reveal the details of when exactly the live feeds will begin.

It’s sure to be a fun winter, stay tuned for more coverage and follow us at @BigBroAccess for live tweeting of the shows and live feeds as we get fully underway!

from Big Brother Access

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