Monday, September 23, 2024

Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9 Finale Recap: Goodbye to Greece

Below Deck Med Season 9 finale recap.
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo via Getty Images

Welcome to the Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9 Finale Recap! In this week’s episode, called “Happily Ever Aft,” as the season comes to a close, the crew helps set the scene for Sandy’s proposal to her girlfriend Leah. Ellie’s resentful attitude builds, but in the end, Aesha admits she’s a hard worker. The crew says goodbye and goes their separate ways, perhaps to meet again on another charter season somewhere else, and we get a snippet of Sandy and Leah’s wedding. Here are some of the highlights from Below Deck Med Season 9, Episode 17.

Ellie’s just practicing for someday when she’s a chief stew (or not)

Aesha Scott in a confessional on Below Deck Med Season 9
Photo Credit: Bravo via YouTube

Picking up right where we left off last week, Aesha explains to Ellie, “The job of a second [stew] is to delegate when I’m not around. If I’m on the floor, you’re not delegating.”

Ellie’s very apologetic and says she didn’t mean to overstep. She has an excuse for everything Aesha says.

“I feel like Ellie’s gaslighting me, in a way,” the chief stew says. “She’s standing there acting like she’s so unaware [of doing anything wrong].”

“At this point,” Ellie says in a confessional, “everything I do is wrong.”

“She’s so calculated,” Aesha interviews. “I don’t feel like I even truly know what Ellie is feeling.”

Ellie justifies her behavior by saying she’s just trying to do a good job so that someday Aesha can write a reference for her, saying she’d be a good chief stew. Fat chance! Aesha trying to get through to Ellie is like talking to a wall.

Chef Jono joins in the fun with the toga party

Somehow Chef Jono wasn't fired on Below Deck Med Season 9.
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

The theme for the night is Greek togas and sandals. All the guests and much of the crew are dressed up, and everybody looks fabulous.

Aesha hired drag queens, and the guests are delighted to see them at the party on the sundeck after dinner. The drag queens are gorgeous, and one of them introduces herself as the “Duchess of Greece.” Who knew there was even such a person?

While the party is going on, Ellie is cleaning up the table decorations from dinner. Finished in the pantry, Carrie comes out and says, “Let me help you.”

Ellie’s not very gracious about it, mumbling, “Mmm. All right.”

When the group is done dancing, they want shots. Aesha asks Ellie about lemon drop shots.

“I was not told anything about shots,” Ellie whimpers.

“Don’t be so defensive,” Aesha responds. “I just said, ‘Does it take long to make Lemon Drop shots?’”

“I’m not getting defensive,” Ellie says defensively.

When Ellie serves the shots, one of the guests comments, “That’s the clearest Lemon Drop shot I’ve ever seen!” Me, too. Aren’t Lemon Drops supposed to be yellow?

When they taste the shots, one guest says, “That’s just vodka with a lemon.” Ugh. Doesn’t Ellie know how to make a Lemon Drop? I’ll bet Carrie does.

Aesha runs into Jono in the pantry after he’s changed into his toga. “You look so good!” she tells him.

“Having this group of queer guests come on board is really special for me,” Jono interviews. “This is the most involved I’ve been all season … I’ve kind of pacified myself a bit. I wish I was that involved with every charter.”

Ellie’s resentment toward Carrie “snowballs”

Carrie proved to be a worth interior crew member on Below Deck Med Season 9.
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

At the bar, the guests ask Carrie if she could sleep with anyone on board, who would it be, “And don’t say Captain Sandy!” Carrie confides that she would choose Joe, which pisses Ellie off.

“At this point, the snowball just keeps getting bigger,” Ellie interviews. “Carrie’s rubbing this whole Joe thing in my face, she’s taking over my job, [and] just acting like Regina George … I just hope I’m able to get through it [without blowing] a gasket.”

The last day of the charter season

Bri finally figured out the laundry during Below Deck Med Season 9.
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

Bri is ecstatic that she made it through an entire charter season. “That’s never happened before!” she says.

Reflecting on her brief fling with Joe, she admits, “It was a classic f*ck up … But short-term love is better than no love at all.”

As they head back to the dock, Sandy calls her girlfriend Leah and says she’ll text her directions when they get there. She’s proposing today and getting more and more nervous every minute.

“Leah thinks we’re going on a European vacation,” Sandy says. “I don’t think Leah has a clue at all. ‘You’re never gonna ask me to marry you!’ She says that all the time.”

As the crew gets ready for docking, Iain says, “This is our final chance to get some ‘Big Deck Energy.’” Cute, Iain. Clever.

As they pull into the dock, Leah is standing there waving at them. “Holy sh*t!” Sandy says. “This is the biggest day of my life.”

As soon as the boat’s tied up, Sandy says, “I’ll be right back,” and she runs down the gangway to give Leah a big hug and a kiss.

“The guests are still on board,” she admits. “That’s not very professional of me.” But I think we can all give her a pass.

Ellie throws a pity party for herself

Ellie continues to make Below Deck Season 9 all about herself.
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

Once the guests are gone, attention turns to Sandy’s proposal. Aesha asks Gael to come with her to set up. Of course, Ellie adds this to her pile of grievances.

“I’m definitely feeling down,” she interviews. “Aesha didn’t pick me to participate in Captain Sandy’s engagement, which would have been such an honor for me. I feel like all this work I’ve done this entire freaking season is for nothing.” Um, you made $16k in tips, Ellie. Get a grip.

“Sandy wants to propose … at sunset,” says Aesha. “So we’re literally racing against the sun. Joe, Gael, Carrie, they all work so fast. I can rely on them to do the job and do it quickly.”

In the van on the way to the proposal, Ellie’s still going on about not being included in the setup. “Dude, if they’ve done décor without me, I am going to flip out,” she says. “I’ve been crushing it this entire season, and then [Aesha’s] like, ‘All right, great. Carrie’s here. Now f*ck off to the pantry. Go do dishes’ … She was hired … to help us out, not come here and replace us.”

In the back seat, Iain and Nathan exchange surprised looks. “Just because Carrie’s come in there and took the attention away from you,” Nathan says in a confessional, “you’re being bitter … and spiteful. Not everything’s about you, Ellie.” My thoughts exactly.

Even though she sympathizes, Bri also thinks Ellie should just “f*cking get over it.”

Joe backs over a line and almost scuttles the plan

Joe Bradley, the boy toy of Below Deck Med Season 9.
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

Meanwhile, Joe is picking up Sandy and Leah in the tender to take them to the proposal site. Unfortunately, he accidentally backs over a line, which gets tangled in the prop. Ugh!

“This is a massive f*ckup,” Joe interviews. “Have I just ruined Captain’s day?”

When Sandy has him lift the engines, she sees that he’s snagged not just one line but two. This could be catastrophic.

Fortunately, Sandy’s very understanding. “Joe, it’s not your fault,” she tells him. “There are lines everywhere.”

But Sandy’s nerves just shot to a new level. The sun sets in 30 minutes, and Joe has to cut both props free before they can go. Otherwise, Sandy will be proposing in the dark.

Finally, Joe cuts them free, and they’re off. Arriving at the beach, the violins are playing a wedding song, which isn’t part of the plan. But Sandy’s just glad they got there before sunset.

The proposal goes off without a hitch, and of course, Leah says yes. They’re engaged!

Once the proposal is over, the crew piles back into the taxis to go to dinner. In the back of their van, Nathan tells Aesha that Ellie was “chattin’ sh*t” about her on the way over.

He repeats that she said, “Basically, as soon as Carrie arrived, all her hard work went unnoticed. That pissed me off. You’re the best girl in the world.”

“It’s very juvenile to bitch to the boat about how I’ve been treating her so poorly,” Aesha interviews. “If she wants to be a chief stew, she has got a LOT of growing to do.”

Too much alcohol spoils Carrie’s plans with Joe

Crew of Below Deck Med Season 9.
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

The sexual tension between Carrie and Joe is building. Joe admits he’s “smitten,” while Carrie has “curiosity about Joe.”

“It’s probably going to ruin whatever friendship me and Ellie have,” Carrie admits. I wouldn’t worry about that, Carrie. I don’t think Ellie’s got any friends.

On the way to dinner, Joe and Carrie start flirting, whispering to each other, and stealing kisses right in front of Bri, who gets triggered. She previously asked Joe not to flirt in front of her and make her feel “dumb,” but he’s having too much fun.

“I completely understand that Bri’s upset,” Joe says. “She doesn’t want me to flirt in front of her in the taxi. [But] I’m having a great time with Carrie. We’ve just finished a season, baby. I’m sendin’ it tonight!”

Joe tells Carrie he wants to “f*ck [her] so bad,” but as romantic and touching as that sentiment is, by the time they get back to the boat, he can barely even stand up. Carrie is not far behind. Sexy time is not happening tonight.

“I just want to f*ckin’ die alone,” Joe tells Carrie when she finds him hiding in his bathroom. Alcohol: it’s a double-edged sword. So much fun till it’s just not anymore.

“Joe sure knows how to woo a lady,” Carrie jokes. “Good night, big guy. Sleep it off.”

Goodbye to Season 9

Below Deck Med crew waves goodbye to guests.
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

The next morning, Captain Sandy comes in and wakes up Aesha and Gael. She tells them, “Go wake the rest up really loudly.” Oh, that’s just cruel.

This is the part that always makes me sad. After living and working together for nine weeks, now they all have to say goodbye and go their separate ways. Except for Nathan and Gael, who are in lurve and, hopefully, will travel and have some fun for a bit.

“I have a woman that’s willing to accept these [stinky] feet of mine,” Nathan says. “She is a keeper, for sure!”

Saying goodbye to Ellie, Aesha says, “We’ve had our differences, but I will never take away from you that you’re a very hard worker … You should be very proud of yourself.”

Fast forward eight months later to Sandy and Leah’s wedding. Everyone’s gathered in Fort Lauderdale. Aesha’s there, Kate Chastain is there, and even Norma from Yacht Crew Placement is there. Chef Dave White is catering. It’s perfect.

“Every charter season teaches me something different,” Sandy interviews. “This one reminded me, in yachting and in life … it’s all about the things that you’re passionate about and embracing them as tight as you can.”

“Whether it’s on land or on a boat,” she adds, “I’m gonna spend the rest of my life loving Leah.”

All episodes of Below Deck Mediterranean are available to stream on Peacock.


The post Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9 Finale Recap: Goodbye to Greece appeared first on Reality Tea.

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