Friday, July 19, 2019

Big Brother 21 Spoilers: Week 4 Block Nominations (7/19/19)

Finally, someone not in Gr8ful has power in the Big Brother 21 house. The powerful alliance may finally be in a lot of trouble this week. First, they betrayed two members of their alliance by voting against his wishes, and then the person they voted out came back from Camp Comeback. Things went from bad to worse when the Camp Comeback winner also won Head of Household. He set his sights on the Six Shooters, instead of Nick Maccarone and Isabella Wang like the Six Shooters wanted.

Head of Household Cliff Hogg III wants to make a big move this week, because he wants to reshuffle the house a bit. He knows he needs to gain allies, and he needs to take a big shot at the power six. Jack Matthews is Cliff’s main target but there are a lot of obstacles standing in his way.

The first obstacle is that Jack is very good at competitions. He could easily win the Veto and take himself off the block, which means Cliff needs a new target. This also means he angered someone with a lot of power in the game. Next, Cliff has to make sure whoever he puts up next to Jack stays a pawn, and doesn’t go home instead of him. Third, Jackson is feared but also popular and feared enough that he could get enough votes to flip the week. And the final major obstacles are the two powers that could save Jack this week.

One of them lets Jacks try to ensure he plays in Veto (if not nominated), so he could easily hinder a backdoor plan. The second power could let the Veto holder completely hijack Cliff’s HOH and nominees. So Cliff has a very tricky situation and week on his hands.

So who did Cliff nominate for eviction this week?



Cliff nominated Jack and Jackson for eviction.

Join us tomorrow to see who takes home the Veto, and if they’ll use it to save either Jack or Jackson . We’ll also find out if Christie plans to use her Whacktivity power to let someone change nominations.

It’s Big Brother 21 season, so keep it here all summer for news, recaps, exclusives, spoilers and much more. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!!

from Big Brother Access

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