Sunday, July 29, 2018

Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Live Feeds Day 39 Highlights: Rachel Gets Block Paranoia Fever

In the Big Brother house paranoia and distrust are common practices. No one is ever truly sure who is on their side, so it makes sense why people would question their alliances. However, if an alliance spent weeks building trust, it can be a little jarring when a member turns so easily in the Big Brother 20 game. Yesterday, the block panic fit Rachel Swindler hard.

Big Brother 20 Rachel Swindler

Rachel began her day with a trip to the Head of Household room to see Bayleigh Dayton. This conversation just angered Bayleigh, and started making her wonder if she had the wrong target this week. Bayleigh then went on to create drama between Rachel and the rest of her Level 6 alliance by telling them that Rachel threw them under the bus. Specifically, Bayleigh claimed that Rachel said Angela Rummans and Kaycee Clark were coasting.

Later, Bayleigh easily got in Rachel’s head by telling her that once Tyler Crispen won the Veto, he said he would only use it if Angela was the replacement nominee. Rachel told this to Angela and Kaycee. It sent Angela in a state of confusion. She wasn’t sure if she could trust Tyler, Bayleigh, or Rachel. Once Tyler heard the story, he used it to further push his evict Rachel agenda.

Big Brother 20 Kaycee Clark and Tyler Crispen

He decided not to use the Veto, but wanted it to look like he was trying to find a way to use the Veto. Tyler’s original plan was to make it seem like Scottie Salton was his best friend. This would make Bayleigh nominate Scottie as an act of revenge. Bayleigh didn’t seem to take Tyler’s bait at all.

Big Brother CBS All Access
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