Saturday, July 28, 2018

Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Live Feeds Day 38 Highlights: Bayleigh Reveals Power App to Rachel

So far, Bayleigh Dayton‘s Head of Household reign has been a roller coaster. Once she won this week’s Big Brother 20 HOH, it seemed like an easy week for F.O.U.T.T.E. Not so much. Bayleigh plans to keep the members safe, but making a lot of game decisions that can hurt her, and others, longterm game prospects.

Big Brother Bayleigh Dayton

Bayleigh’s current targets are Brett Robinson and JC Mounduix. However, Level 5 has been pressuring her to backdoor Scottie Salton. Bayleigh briefly considered him as a nominee on Thursday, but has since shifted away from that idea. But she told Rachel Swindler that she would consider nominating Scottie if Brett wins the Power of Veto.

We’re not sure if Bayleigh would really nominate Scottie. She believes that he’s a shady player, but he’s a shady player for her side. She would probably nominate JC if Brett or Rachel win the Power of Veto. The only reason JC didn’t go up as an initial nominee is because Sam Bledsoe and Faysal Shafaat did some campaigning to keep him off the block.

Big Brother 20 JC Mouduix and Faysal Shafaat

To ease some of Rachel’s worry about going up on the block, Bayleigh told her about her power app. She said she wanted to use it next week if the wrong player won HOH. Rachel promised not to tell anyone, but told Angela Rummans. She doesn’t plan on telling anyone else.

Due to Faysal trying to keep JC off the block, he got scolded hard by Bayleigh and Haleigh Broucher. This lead to Haleigh and him not speaking. Meanwhile, the men were considering if they should form their own all male alliance, to combat the fear of an all-women’s alliance.

Big Brother CBS All Access
Keep it here all summer for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Big Brother 20. We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Big Brother. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!

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