Friday, February 16, 2018

Celebrity Big Brother Recap: (2/14/18) HOH Competition & Block Nominees

After an emotional and dramatic plea to her fellow houseguests, Celebrity Big Brother cast member Keshia Knight Pulliam was unamiously evicted from the game so that she could breastfeed her daughter.  Not all of her fellow houseguests were pleased with wasting an eviction vote on Keshia, especially when the majority alliance had the opportunity to backdoor one of the strongest players in the game, Shannon Elizabeth.  Brandi Glanville was the most upset by the situation and didn’t hold back from sharing her thoughts with the Big Brother house.  How will this move effect the game, and who will the new Head of Household (HOH) nominate for eviction?

The HOH competition was titled Get Your Putt In Gear, and Ross Mathews was the host. Each houseguest competed, one at a time, aboard the Big Brother Celebrity Voyages Cruiseship on a mini-golf course comprised of three tee-boxes.  The houseguest to sink all three holes-in-one shots in order and with the fastest time is to be crowned the new HOH.  However, “super fans” make the shots more difficult by blowing air onto the course while the celebrities try to nail their hole-in-one shot as quickly as possible.

Most of the houseguests hope that anyone but Shannon wins this HOH so she can be the target for eviction.  After an exhilarating and very competitive match between the Celebrity Big Brother houseguests, Ariadna Gutiérrez won HOH by a time of 2:19.08.  James Maslow came in second place with a time of 2:19.09.  Yes, he lost by one hundredth of a second.

Surprisingly, Shannon was very excited when Ari is crowned HOH as she believes Ari will go after Omarosa for eviction.  James is under the same impression, that the majority of the house was still setting their sites on Omarosa for eviction.  Neither of them have any idea that Shannon has been the backdoor target for eviction and remains the target in the Celebrity Big Brother house.

Ari’s alliance with Ross, Brandi , and Marissa Jaret Winokur discussed their options for the nominations ceremony.  Ari definitely wants to evict Shannon over anyone else, including James, during her reign as HOH.  They need to decide if they will backdoor Shannon by nominating Omarosa and a pawn to the block, or will they go big and nominate James and Shannon to the block for nomination right off the bat?  All of them agree that Shannon is a power player and has played the game way too hard.

Before the nomination ceremony can get underway, Shannon started to perceive that she was the target for eviction.  She shared the info with James and broke down in tears about always being the target.  James tried to talk to off the ledge and told her snap out of it and play the Big Brother game.

Shannon showed up to the nomination ceremony with sunglasses on, surely hiding her swollen eyes from crying.  She and Brandi had a brief confrontation about who had who’s back in the game.  Omarosa jumped in on the conversation only to be shut down quickly.  In the end, Ari nominated James and Shannon to the block for eviction as being the biggest competitors in the game.

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