Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Big Brother 19: Week 1 Alliances Updates

Usually the first week of Big Brother runs smoothly. We see a big alliance form, flirtation starts, and a few people make early final two deals. We don’t see alliances start to fall apart until at least week 3. This first week of Big Brother 19 feels like Big Brother on adrenaline, especially with everything being so heighten and intensified.

Big Brother 19 Cody's unofficial alliance

On Thursday’s Big Brother 19 episode, Head of Household Cody Nickson mentioned wanting to form a power alliance with Christmas Abbott, Mark Jansen, Matthew Clines, Elena Davies, Raven Walton, Dominique Cooper, and Jessica Graf. Everyone else he considered outcasts.

The Power Alliance

When the Big Brother 19 feeds started, we saw that Cody got his wish, with one additional player: Paul Abrahamian. As the week progressed, Cody’s alliance seemed strong…until Sunday. Cody tried to nominate Paul for eviction, but the Pendant of Protection stopped him, and then he had to nominate a new person, Christmas.

This completely shattered the power alliance. The members knew that Cody couldn’t be completely trusted. They started to see him playing both sides.

On Monday, Cody’s alliance started to really pick up the pieces, but there is still a lot of mistrust within it. Paul and Christmas also no longer trust anyone in that group, despite their claims of not knowing Cody’s plans.

Big Brother 19 Week 1 Alliances

Chart created by 89razorskate20

Within that alliance, there are subdivisions based on the showmances and friendships. Mark is most loyal to Cody and Dominique. Cody also seems most loyal to Mark and Dominique. He switches his loyalties between Matt and Jessica. He also has some respect and admiration for Alex Ow. They aren’t an official duo or alliance, but he tries to protect her.

Matthew and Raven are the strongest showmance with complete loyalty to each other. Mark and Elena seem to not completely know if they can trust each other. We already stated that Mark is more loyal to Dominique and Cody than Elena, and she seems more loyal to Raven and Christmas than Mark. So there is a bit of an unofficial alliance between Christmas, Elena, Raven, and Matthew going on behind the scenes.

Playing the Middle

Big Brother 19 Alex Ow and Jillian Parker

Ramses Soto, Josh Martinez, and Jason Dent are all playing the middle at the moment. Alex is as well but she’s only loyal to Jason, and Jillian Parker, if she stays. So we don’t consider her a middle player but not in a real alliance. Ramses and Jason seem to be playing the middle by choice, but Josh is in it by circumstance. Kevin Schlehuber is also playing the middle but he has a lot of loyalty to Jason and Paul.

In Search of Loyalty

Paul was completely loyal to the power alliance, but now he has no solid alliance. However, he’s popular enough to stay in favor of the majority. The same seems to be true for Christmas. Paul and Christmas could become an unofficial power duo.

Right now that’s where the divisions lie. However, things could change at any moment on Big Brother 19.

Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news!

from Big Brother Accesshttp://bigbrotheraccess.com/big-brother-19-week-1-alliances-updates-3527746/

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