Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Kelly Dodd Thinks Peggy Sulahian’s Naivity Is Starting To Wear Thin; Wants To Be Friends With Shannon

Kelly Dodd makes amends with Shannon

Kelly Dodd makes amends with Shannon

Even though we are only a few episodes into this Real Housewives of Orange County season, it is still hard to figure out Peggy Sulahian. None of her metaphors or jokes make any sense. Is she trying to be funny or does she just actually not know what’s going on?

As of now, it’s hard to tell, but one person who does not seem to be a fan of Peggy’s is Kelly Dodd. Sure, that hasn’t really come across in the episodes we’ve seen so far, but Kelly definitely makes it clear that she is not too fond of the new girl these days.

In her Bravo blog, Kelly shared, “I find that watching Peggy continually struggle with social norms and colloquialisms baffling. I know she was born in Kuwait and is proud of her Armenian heritage, but didn’t she grow up in the US? Didn’t she go to school here? Didn’t she live here all but one year of her life?”So much for being politically correct…

Kelly continued, “I guess Diko [Sulahian] shelters her, or maybe she is used to primarily associating with other Armenians? Regardless, while her naivety at times comes across as cute, it’s starting to wear thin. Keep watching, you’ll see.” It’s already worn thin and it has nothing to do with cultural differences. Peggy has zero relationships with anyone in the cast and she inserts herself into situations she knows nothing about. Still it’s pretty interesting to see that Kelly has such a strong opinion of Peggy based on the episodes that have aired so far. Clearly some shit goes down between these two at some point during the season and it’s apparent that Kelly hasn’t learned her lesson when it comes to talking about other people’s husbands.

Weirdly enough, Kelly was really killing it during the last episode. She wasn’t arguing with anyone. She was actually getting along with Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador. It was definitely a different Kelly than we’ve seen in the past. Kelly wrote, “The path to reconciliation starts with baby steps. I appreciate Tamra facilitating the meeting with Shannon and me.” She continued, “This time, we were able to talk about the debacle at the Quiet Woman, like adults, in a constructive manner. I was glad we found some common ground and were able to laugh together and leave feeling friendly towards each other. We should be friends. Shannon has a good heart and loves to have a good time. I like that about her.” Considering that Kelly said that Shannon’s husband “beat the shit out of her” in front of reality TV cameras, it is very unlikely that the two of them will ever be friends, but then again, stranger things have definitely happened.

Still, it was a pretty good episode for Kelly since most of the drama revolved around Shannon and Tamra’s refusal to talk to Vicki Gunvalson at the party Meghan Edmonds hosted for her newborn baby. Kelly said, “I am glad that Vicki decided to attend. I know the perceived grievances between Tamra and Vicki, and Shannon and Vicki, run deep, but I still believe their friendships can be rekindled, even if they don’t think so.”

Kelly wrote, “While the tension at the party between them was palpable, I am glad for all of our sakes that everyone was on their best behavior.” I guess that we can credit baby Aspen’s presence for everyone being calm at that party, but Kelly actually had a pretty hilarious observation: “It was funny how Tamra and Shannon practiced saying hello to Vicki whilst shopping, but, when the time came to offer a cordial greeting at the party, they never had the nerve to do so. Another lost opportunity.” After all that hype, there was no hello or any other interaction at this party. How long are they going to ignore her even though they are contractually obligated to hang out for this show? It cannot last the whole season- right?

RELATED: Meghan Edmonds “Doesn’t Get” Peggy Sulahian; Thinks Kelly Dodd Is “Mean & Malicious”


[Photo Credit: Bravo]

The post Kelly Dodd Thinks Peggy Sulahian’s Naivity Is Starting To Wear Thin; Wants To Be Friends With Shannon appeared first on Reality Tea.

from Reality Tea http://www.realitytea.com/2017/08/15/kelly-dodd-thinks-peggy-sulahians-naivity-starting-wear-thin-wants-friends-shannon/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=kelly-dodd-thinks-peggy-sulahians-naivity-starting-wear-thin-wants-friends-shannon

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