Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Big Brother 19 Week 7 Alliances Updates: Mark and Matt Work Hard for Their Faux Team

Over the last couple of weeks, the three showmance duos have been scraping the bottom of the barrel inside the Big Brother 19 house.  Mark Jansen and Elena Davies lost favor with the house majority when they chose to saddle up with Cody Nickson and Jessica Graf once Cody won the Battle Back competition.

Big Brother 19 Raven Walton and MAtt Clines

Just last week, Matthew Clines and Raven Walton were oblivious to their poor ranking within the house majority, and head honcho Paul Abrahamian was throwing both of them under the bus. This week, the two remaining couples are starting to show some life inside the Big Brother house, but is it too late for both of them?

Both male counterparts in the two remaining showmances are certainly stepping up their games this week for the benefit of the house majority alliance, in one way or another. Matt has more than done his part to help the majority alliance by helping to evict this week’s target. The house is gunning to send Cody home for the last and final time, but they needed some assistance to assure that happened this week…enters Matt.

Matt volunteered to throw the Temptation Competition so that Cody could not potentially wiggle into the Power of Veto competition.  As if that wasn’t enough to help the cause, Matt then won the POV competition. Rather than using the golden power on himself, he chose to take one for the team and use the power to save Jason Dent.  This allowed the Head of Household, Alex Ow, to backdoor Cody for eviction. If Matt had used the veto on himself, Alex’s hands would have been tied, and Cody would have lived to see another day inside the Big Brother 19 house.

Mark won another Temptation Competition to ensure his safety for the week. Although this doesn’t help the house majority alliance directly, this did ensure that Cody didn’t win the competition that would have granting him safety this week. If Cody would have won the competition, Alex would have certainly been scrambling to figure out which houseguest would be sent packing instead of him.

Big Brother 19 Mark Jansen

Thanks to Mark and Matt, Cody is right where the house wants him. He is sitting on the block for eviction with no possibility of saving himself from going to the jury house or winning his way back into the game.

The house majority is still running the house, or should I say Paul is still running the house. Although there is more and more talk about him and the possibility of evicting him at some point in the game, Paul reigns supreme. Alex is the current HOH and should be in total control, but like last time she earned the HOH power, Paul really called all of the shots.

Big Brother 19 Alliances

Courtesy of @89razorskate20

The non-showmance alliance think they have the final six settled with it consisting of Paul, Alex, Jason, Kevin Schlehuber, Christmas Abbott, and Josh Martinez. Cody should be evicted this week barring a Big Brother miracle. That leaves the planned final six and two showmance duos in the game.

The question becomes, are the new efforts made by the showmances enough for them to move up the house majority ladder?  There’s still a lot of Big Brother game to play, so only time will tell.

Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news!

from Big Brother Access

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