Thursday, August 10, 2017

Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Live Feeds Day 40 Highlights: Mark Wants to End Paul’s Game

As Jessica Graf takes the slow march to her Big Brother 19 death, the house remains set in its dynamics. Most of yesterday’s conversations involved rehashing of targets and plans. The Big Brother 19 house still wants Cody Nickson out, and by the house, we mean Paul Abrahamian, Christmas Abbott, and Josh Martinez. In order to ensure that, they have to make sure everyone stays on that path.

Big Brother 19 Cody Nickson and Mark Jansen

However, we heard some of the Big Brother 19 players voice opinions that went against the grain and the Cody eviction plans. The only problem with planning in the Big Brother house is that you have to make sure everyone else will go with your plans. And very few players have gotten their way on Big Brother 19.

Ten Steps Behind

Big Brother 19 Raven Walton

Matt Clines and Raven Walton discussed their plans to evict Cody next week. Raven mentioned that she might use Matt as a pawn to ensure Cody’s exit. They also talked about how Paul instructed them to hold a group discussion about who needs to go up on the block as the third nominee, to make the backdoor plan work.

Per usual, Paul volunteered to go up as a pawn. However, he said that Alex Ow was a better pawn choice  because she’s not afraid to make crazy moves, and Alex likes to take risks. Matt also told Raven that Cody probably has the mindset to now take out as many players as possible before his eviction. Matt is correct on that front, but fails to realize that his best friend Paul has been plotting for him to go if Cody doesn’t soon.

Mark Sees the Light

Big Brother 19 Matt Clines and Jason Dent

During a chess discussion, Mark Jansen bluntly told Jason Dent that they need to get Paul out of the game. Mark is frustrated that everyone blindly follows and supports Paul. He also stated that once Paul leaves the Big Brother house, it ups their chances to win. Jason agreed withh everything Mark said.

They also mentioned how Josh keeps egging Cody on to get into an argument with him. However, Christmas and Paul are the real driving forces behind the anti-Cody brigade. Despite both players seeing the problems with Paul, they feared that they didn’t have the numbers to get him out.

Mark mentioned that he could get Elena Davies, Cody, Jason, and Kevin Schlehuber’s vote but he was unsure if Alex would go along with it. Their conversation got disrupted when Alex came along, and more Head of Household clues started to play inside the house.

Josh Goes Back in the Dark

Big Brother 19 Josh Martinez

Josh spent a good amount of time discussing his annoyance with a few players. He told Kevin and Christmas how he was tired of Raven and Matt always in his Head of Household room. He also started to get suspicious of Mark’s relationship with Jason and Alex. He believes that they have a secret alliance.

However, Josh still wants the final six to include Kevin, Alex, and Jason with Christmas and Paul. He told the cameras that Paul and Christmas are his ride or die players. Josh is a blind meatball.

Appreciating the Journey and Looking Towards The Future

Big Brother 19 Cake

The feeds went down for a few hours for the Big Brother 19 Half-Way party. There was no alcohol provided during it. We assume because of the aggressive behavior displayed by many Big Brother 19 houseguests.

A few more sounds were also played into the house to prepare players for this week’s Head of Household competition. Everyone started to speculate what exactly the competition could entail. They assumed the order of the sounds would be important.

Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news!

from Big Brother Access

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