Monday, August 14, 2017

Big Brother 19-8/13/2017-Recap: Can Cody Win His Way to Safety?

The Big Brother 19 houseguests finally sent Jessica Graf home, just before jury.  Her showmance partner, Cody Nickson, is still hanging on by a thread.  Alex Ow won the Head of Household postion this Big Brother week, and she is Paul Abrahamian’s number one minion. Based on Alex’s last HOH just a few weeks ago, Paul should be running the show behind the scenes with his target set on sending Cody out of the Big Brother 19 house.

Big Brother 19 Alex Ow

As soon as Alex takes over as HOH, she makes it clear to all the houseguests that she intends to backdoor Cody for eviction this week. That is the best option so that he has less of a chance to take himself off the block. She also has requested that all of the houseguests play in the Temptation Competition lessening Cody’s chances of winning and automatically becoming safe this week. Alex wants to put Mark Jansen and Elena Davies on the block as pawns.

Kevin Schlehuber was starting to irritate the majority of the Big Brother house with his buddy/buddy relationship with Cody. When approached about the situation, Kevin completed denied he was in cahoots with Cody. Kevin is trying to cover all of is bases in case Cody doesn’t go home this week as planned.

Big Brother 19 Kevin Schlehuber

With all of the houseguests playing in the Temptation Competition, Alex has requested a volunteer to throw the game, so that Cody doesn’t lose. If Cody lost the competition, he would be the third nominee this week, which would automatically enable him to play in the Power of Veto competition.  If he played and won the golden POV, the backdoor plan would be null and void. Matt Clines volunteered to lose the Temptation Competition.

This week’s competition was called ‘Where Were You?’ The comp is based on sounds played in the Big Brother house over the last 24 hours. In the backyard, there is a large blueprint setup showing the layout of the Big Brother house. As each sound is played back for the houseguests, they must remember which room they were in when that sound were originally played. Once they remember the room, they must step into that room on the blueprint. The houseguest that answers the most questions correctly wins the temptation competition and safety for the week.

Matt did a great job of answering questions incorrectly, right along with Cody. However, Cody blew one of the questions and answered it correctly, which eliminated him from losing the competition.

Big Brother 19 Where Were You?

When all was said and done, Mark won safety from eviction for the week. Matt was able to answer all of the questions incorrectly, and was placed on the block as a third nominee.  Unfortunately for Cody, he will not be able to play in the POV by this means: he must rely on his name being pulled at the POV selection ceremony. The house majority is looking good for their plan to backdoor Cody for eviction this week.

Now that Mark has won safety for the week, Alex must choose another houseguest to put on the block as a pawn. Paul even offers to be a pawn to Alex full knowing she really wouldn’t choose him to go on the block. Paul just did it to look good to the other houseguests. Alex doesn’t have many other choices left. She can pick Jason Dent, Christmas Abbott, Josh MartinezRaven Walton, Elena, or Kevin. Elena is an obvious choice as she was Alex’s original pick. The second pawn is the unknown houseguest.

At this week’s nomination ceremony, Alex chose Elena as her first pawn.  Next Alex chose Jason as the other pawn for the week. Matt is also on the block as the third nomination.
The plan to backdoor Cody is still on track.

Check back with us on Wednesday to find out who was chosen to play in the Big Brother 19 POV, and also which houseguest won it.

Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news!

from Big Brother Access

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