Saturday, July 8, 2017

Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Live Feeds Day 8 Highlights: The Backdoor Plan Starts

Friday in the Big Brother 19 house, Paul Abrahamian started his plan to take out Cody Nickson. The day also ended with another person winning this week’s Den of Temptation power, and three cursed Big Brother 19 houseguests.

Big Brother 19 Cody Nickson and Jessica Graf

It was a pretty eventful day for the Big Brother 19 houseguests, with so many moving parts being set in motion to execute Paul’s semi-clever but complex plan to backdoor Cody.

A Third Nominee

Big Brother 19 Ramses Soto

After settling on nominating Josh Martinez and Alex Ow as pawns, Paul worked to convince Ramses Soto to go on the block as well. As part of his curse, Ramses needed to go on the block within the next three weeks. It seemed like he was just going to wait until his final week to use his curse.

However, Paul mentioned how this would be Ramses’ safest week to go on the block, because everyone wanted to target and evict Cody this week. During the nomination ceremony, Ramses decided to follow Paul’s advice. He became the third nominee along with Josh and Alex.

If Ramses winS the Power of Veto, there will be no renomination. So Paul made sure to tell Ramses to not win the POV, or a lot of the houseguests will get angry at him. Unbeknownst to Ramses, if the plan to backdoor Cody fails, he’s the next target.

If Ramses figures this out, he may panic and win Veto. We will have to wait to see how it all goes down tonight in the Big Brother 19 house.

Cody Already Knows

Big Brother 19 Cody Nickson

Cody figured out Paul’s plan even before Paul figured out his own plan. So he suspected that the Big Brother 19 houseguests would try to backdoor him this week. Alex then confirmed to Cody that the plan was to backdoor him and use Josh and her to do it.

Cody seems to have accepted his eviction, and has now just been planning to fight his way back in case of a Battle Back.

Den of Temptation Reopens

Big Brother 19 Christmas Abbott and Paul Abrahamian

For over two-hours, the Big Brother 2017 houseguests entered the den to see who America gave the Ring of Replacement. When feeds returned, the houseguests speculated on who won it. It was awhile before Christmas Abbott revealed to Paul that she won the prize, and what it entailed.

She also told him that she picked the three cursed players: Ramses, Cody, and Jessica Graf. However, she didn’t know  any details about the curse.

Meet the V-Toads

Big Brother 19 Jason Dent, Jessica Graf, and Cody Nickson

Live Feeds went down for about an hour, when they returned Jessica, Cody, and Jason Dent were dressed as toads. Apparently, Ramses couldn’t be cursed for two straight weeks, so Christmas selected Jason in his place.

Jason was having fun with the idea of being in a toad suit. Cody seemed unbothered, and Jessica found it slightly amusing but tried to hide that when in front of Cody. As V-Toads, the three cursed houseguests have to wear their toad suits for a week. They also need to hop everywhere and only go places that contain lillypad mats.

Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news.

from Big Brother Access

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