Saturday, July 29, 2017

Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Live Feeds Day 28 Highlights: All Hell Breaks Loose

Well…all hell broke loose in the Big Brother 19 house last night. As Head of Household Paul Abrahamian predicted, the nomination ceremony was crazy and intense. It all started because Jessica Graf didn’t get her way in the Big Brother house. She wanted to keep her Halting Hex for one more week. Paul let curiosity get the better of him in the Big Brother 19 game.

Big Brother 19 Jessica Graf

The Big Brother 19 Live Feeds were down for a good chunk of the day for the Temptation Competition and the nomination ceremony. When feeds finally returned for an extended period, it was complete madness.

The Temptation Competition

Big Brother 19 Cast

Around 11 am BBT, the houseguests are informed about the temptation competition. They discuss whether to play in it. Cody Nickson wants to compete in it, but Jessica wants to keep the facade that they can’t be nominated, so she advises him not to do it.

Alex Ow and Jason Dent both want to play in it, just to see if they can win it. They also want to help the team. Matt Clines, however, doesn’t want to play in the competition. He doesn’t like the risk of going on the block.

Elena Davies and Mark Jansen are unsure if they should play in the competition. In the end, we know that Jason, Alex, and Mark play in it. We’ll have to wait until Sunday to see who else plays in it.

The competitions turns out well for Mark. He wins safety for the week, but Jason becomes the third nominee.

Nominations and Aftermath

Big Brother 19 Paul Abrahamian and Cody Nickson' Fight

Paul nominates Cody and Jessica. The feeds return to them in the Head of Household room telling him how dumb the move was because they cannot go home. Cody almost completely spills the beans on the Halting Hex power. Jessica silences him.

The aggressive talking continues until Cody tells Paul that he treats the other players like dogs. Paul tells Cody to leave his room. As Cody and Jess start to leave, Paul calls Cody some names. Cody gets in his face, but ultimately leaves.

Jessica gets frustrated with Cody’s behavior. The two separate for awhile. Meanwhile, Paul uses this opportunity to try to convince Jessica that she needs to let Paul go. She gives him a lot of details about the Halting Hex, and he figures it out.

Big Brother 19 Jessica Graf and Paul Abrahamian

He tries to convince her to save it for herself and let the house vote out Cody. Later, Christmas Abbott tries to convince Jessica to do the same. She’s really considering it. Cody also told Kevin Schlehuber that he would let Jessica let him get evicted.

Kevin tells him to not get too emotional, and let things cool down. Meanwhile, Josh Martinez does his Josh thing by ranting and raving about Cody sucking. Mark speaks up to defend Cody. Then Josh proceeds to torment Mark. He grabs some pots and pans, and starts banging them together.

Mark grabs them and almost hits Josh with one. Production gets involved, and gives Mark and Josh a warning. Later Mark tries to apologize but Josh doesn’t want to listen. The Josh and Mark war continues.

Big Brother 19 Cast

After a talk with Paul, Elena decides to uncouple from Mark in the game. She retells this to Jessica. Jessica and Elena also discuss whether she should save Cody or not. She talks about Cody’s behavior and their relationship in the real world.

Paul and his minions decide that they’re going to play psychological games with Cody and Jess all week to get Jessica to let Cody get evicted.

As the night ended, Jessica and Cody had reconciled. She would use the Halting Hex on him, but it’s a long way until Thursday. We’ll see how the house tries to manipulate her to not use it.

Big Brother Elena Davies and Raven Walton

Note: We are trying something a little different this weekend. The usual Saturday Big Brother Live Feeds daily updates, that’s posted on Sunday, will now be posted in a combined long weekend feeds update that will come out on Monday morning. So expect no daily Live Feeds update tomorrow. These will return to normal on Monday.

Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news!

from Big Brother Access

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