Saturday, June 18, 2016

Big Brother 18 Cast: Glenn Garcia – The Attitude

Big Brother 18 cast member, Glenn Garcia, 50, is professional mobile dog groomer and a former police detective.  He hails from the Bronx, New York – something he is really proud of and strongly identifies with.  Back home, he has a fiancée and a nine-year-old daughter.  From what we know so far, he is the only houseguest with child(ren).

Glenn Garcia Big Brother 18


One of the traits we look for in the new cast members each year is their level of fandom for the show.  It seems in the last couple of years, there has been more recruiting, which leads to cast members that aren’t really fans of the show.  They may have seen the show because they were going to be on the show, or while they were in sequester, but did not actually watch the show regularly before the casting process. Sometimes incoming houseguests are actually fans, but they have only seen recent seasons.

While quite a few of this year’s cast members seem to be new fans, or not really fans at all, it sounds like Glenn is a big fan of Big Brother.  In his CBS profile, he notes four favorite previous houseguests dating back to Big Brother 2.  This may just bode quite well for him since he knows how the game is played and has seen lots of different strategies and had the opportunity to analyze what works and what doesn’t.

He is lucky he has this going for him since he doesn’t have much of a strategy going into the house.  He plans to see what his fellow houseguests are like and then plan his strategy around that.  Being flexible is definitely a good idea, but you would need a playbook of strategies to pull from.  As a loyal fan, he has this available to him.

During his “Meet the Houseguests” interview with Jeff Schroeder, Glenn stated that he is versatile and can act as a chameleon.  He further went on to describe that he “can blend in with a lot of different types of ages and personalities”.  Let’s hope this is true since he is the oldest cast member (so far) that will be in the house this summer.  However, he admits his mouth can get him in trouble if someone is able to get under his skin, since he will just blow up.  In his interview with The Hollywood Reporter, he even said that his fiancée thought he was too much of a hothead to be on Big Brother, which leads us to give him the nickname ‘The Attitude’.

With a family at home, some fans may worry that he will get homesick and give up, but Glenn ensured us that is not the case.  His daughter and fiancée are his motivation to win the money.  Like many other cast members this season, Glenn would rather win and be hated by America rather than lose and be loved stating that “too many nice guys win this all the time”.  He carries with him the following mindset: “I wanna be me, I’m gonna be me, so I’m gonna win it and then if you don’t like it, I don’t care”.

Glenn Garcia Big Brother 18

Source: Facebook

Not only is Glenn’s in it to win it, he has the full support of his fiancée.  She knows that he will do what he needs to do to win even if that means flirting and leading a fellow houseguest on.  He jokes that he will “get yelled at later”, but all will be forgiven when he gets the check and buys a house.

It does not seem like Glenn has many of the traditional strengths that successful Big Brother players have had in the past.  However, we won’t know for sure until the game gets underway.

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Click for Glenn Garcia’s in-depth profile, photos & videos!

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