Thursday, May 5, 2016

Bethenny Frankel Says Luann de Lesseps “Acted Desperately”

Bethenny Frankel blog


This season of Real Housewives of New York City pretty much just started and it’s already chock full of drama. There is so much going on that the drama is overflowing onto the blogs and social media pages. This is the kind of season that I was hoping for! There is really so much tension this season. Just when it seems like two of the ladies have made amends…someone backtracks to beef about the one or two words in the apology that didn’t sit well with her.

It may have seemed like Bethenny Frankel was cool with Luann de Lesseps and Jules Wainstein after the latest episode, but that was until she saw what was said behind her back and during the on-camera interviews. Now, Bethenny is pretty offended and she she sounded off in her blog.


It seemed like Bethenny and Jules were able to clear the air when they went to brunch, but after the fact, Bethenny is pretty peeved about some of the comments Jules made. 

Bethenny wrote this is in her blog: “I enjoyed our conversation. I was apologetic about my rudeness. I did not know that Jules was dissing my ‘tiny’ house in her interviews and to the other women. Jules and Michael are not old money. That notwithstanding, my understanding of new money behavior is to buy the biggest flashiest place you can find so people will see how rich you are regardless of whether it is even paid for.”

To be honest, it seemed like a silly comment for Jules to make. I don’t think it’s nice, but I don’t feel that it is extremely offensive either. Plus, Jules appeared on Watch What Happens Live right after RHONY aired, and it was clear that she was extremely embarrassed and horrified by her own remarks. Hopefully Bethenny saw that episode.

Bethenny went on even more about the “new money” “old money” comments and even took some digs at Jules for how she has acquired her money: “As everyone knows, when purchasing real estate, the value of a property is first determined by the location, not the size of your house. I was broke less than a decade ago, so that is what I have done with my “new” money. Either way, my money is mine, earned by me, not my husband, and not given to me by my parents. I’m proud that I was able to work, succeed and provide this home for myself and my daughter.” 

RELATED: Dorinda Medley Wants The RHONY Cast To Just Get Along

And if you think Bethenny is mad at Jules, she really went in on Luann.

Bethenny was really put off when Luann gave her a birthday gift and it didn’t really come off well, so she tried to clarify how she reacted in her blog post: “For the record, I was at Luann’s for a 4th of July BBQ and one other time on her boat this summer. She did not adopt me nor are we ‘family’ as she bizarrely stated. A few instances occurred this summer that turned me off, and she was turning the gifts and the charm on here to cut me off at the pass. She knew what went down and was embarrassed and her buttering up worked on me.”

So Bethenny is saying that Luann was only being this way (in front of the cameras) in order to advance her social position. It does seem a little over the top, but it’s hard to tell what is sincere and what is not based on the few scenes that we get to watch this week.

Bethenny really made things clear when she wrote this about Lu: “I most enjoy when Luann and I are fake social friends. That is our proper speed. I bet she would agree. She acted poorly and desperately this summer on a few occasions, and it changed our friendship for me, and by now, definitely for her. I genuinely want her to be happy. She was looking for something this summer, and I hope she found it. Maybe one day we will be back on track. I have no animosity for her whatsoever.” 

So there’s “no animosity,” but there was almost an entire blog entry dedicated to talking about Luann and how she acted so “desperately” over the summer? I do not think I would publicly refer to anyone as “desperate” if it everything was cool between us, but that’s just me. 


[Photo Credit: Bravo]

The post Bethenny Frankel Says Luann de Lesseps “Acted Desperately” appeared first on Reality Tea.

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