Sunday, September 17, 2017

Why Christmas Abbott Deserves to Win Big Brother 19

Time for our annual Big Brother series where we dissect each of the final three players’games. For part 1, we’re looking at Big Brother 19’s Christmas Abbott’s game, including her biggest game strengths and weaknesses. These pieces are more to analyze and less to defend or condemn their actions.

Big Brother 19 Christms Abbott

Christmas started off Big Brother 19 as an easy fan favorite. She seemed like the strong female player that Big Brother fans hope for every year. She was charming, funny, and the right dose of weird in her preseasons interview. The first couple weeks of the season, she continued to exhibit this charisma.

Fans were in awe of Christmas as they watched her be the only player to actually show Josh Martinez compassion during his meltdowns in the first couple of days. Christmas’s social game was her biggest strength. The reason she didn’t leave week 1 was because Paul Abrahamian fought for her to stay, but also because her former alliance really liked her.

Christmas also even (briefly) got Jessica Graf back on her side after totally turning Jessica into an enemy in the first 15 days. Then Christmas’s injury happened. Instead of giving up, she decided to stay in the game, a decision that got mixed reactions from people outside and inside the Big Brother 19 game. Christmas’s brand is her body, her fitness, and her looks.

Therefore, we could have easily seen Christmas sink into depression, and just not try to play in the competitions, or interactwith the other houseguests. However, we saw Christmas always hungry to participate, and often visibly frustrated when she was not allowed to compete. She also remained fairly social throughout her whole Big Brother experience.

Big Brother 19 Christmas Abbott

Where Christmas’s game failed was that she was social but also very ready to start a fight. She constantly stuck her nose in conversations that had nothing to do with her, which turned quite a few houseguests sour to her as a player and a person. Eventually, Christmas lost her natural leader instincts.

She became too attached to Paul, and just let him take over as she followed and became a ‘team’ player. Her allegiance to Paul also made her less open to new information and ideas. Josh constantly told Christmas that they needed to get Paul out, but she wouldn’t listen.

Christmas’s social game also gave her chances to form new allies, like when she almost had Jessica and Cody Nickson back on her side, but she threw them away with the Ring of Replacement. Christmas also held a grudge like no other. It kept her from making smart moves at times, and led to her making revenge-esque moves.

Big Brother 19 Christmas Abbott and Paul Abrahamian

In the end, it would be hard to see Christmas beat Josh or Paul, but she is really good at public speaking. Therefore, in her final 2 speech, she may be able to play on emotions and convince the houseguests that her journey was a hard one–overcoming an injury, being a target week 1, and helping her alliance members all get to the final 3.

We don’t believe Christmas would win in the end but with Big Brother, you have to expect the unexpected.

Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news!

from Big Brother Access

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