Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Big Brother 19: Which Two Players Are Going Home This Week? (POLL)

We have our second Big Brother 19 double eviction. This live eviction turns the final seven houseguests into the final five. Before the hour ends, dreams will be shattered, friendships questioned, and jury votes gone. It should be an exciting Big Brother 19 night.

Big Brother 19 Cast

Unless Kevin Schlehuber succeeds in his plan to walk out of the Big Brother 19 house, the first person to leave the Big Brother 19 house seems fairly obvious. However, who follows him out those Big Brother doors could be anyone. So let us rank the person most likely to the person least likely to leave in this week’s Big Brother 19 double eviction.

Jason Dent is almost certainly leaving the house. The only way he stays is if Josh Martinez‘s guilt overpowers his desire to win the game. Josh would also need to keep his change of heart to himself. We just don’t quite see Josh changing his mind, and doing it without telling his closest allies, Christmas Abbott and Paul Abrahamian. Once they know about his plan to flip his vote, they’ll flip it right back. Therefore Jason ranks as the number one person likely to leave in the double eviction. Here is where the rest of the players fall:

Alex Ow- Unless Alex wins Head of Household or Power of Veto, she is 100 percent leaving the house this week. Everyone left, after Jason leaves, wants Alex out of the house. She will hit the block if any of the remaining players but her have their way. She also created too many enemies to have enough votes to stay.

Kevin Schlehuber- The only one who would really take out Kevin is Alex. Considering Alex’s competition wins, this really increases Kevin’s chances of leaving this week. Most likely Alex would put up Kevin and Josh or Christmas. If she names Josh and then Christmas wins veto, Ravn Walton goes up and out, but we have doubts about many scenarios where Christmas or Josh win a veto. The nominations will most likely stay the same and the rest of the house votes out Kevin.

Big Brother 19 Alex Ow

Raven Walton- Raven’s target lessens by the day. However, people still find her very annoying. That’s a deadly factor in an emotion driven game like Big Brother, especially this season. If Alex and Kevin are both safe, Raven would most likely go. In most scenarios Raven goes before Kevin, but we only really see Raven hitting the block if Alex or one of the Josh/Christmas combo wins the Power of Veto.

Josh Martinez- Alex will want Josh’s blood for voting out her ride or die. If Alex wins HOH, he’s going on the block. Luckily for Josh, Paul is really part of his team. Therefore, he should have Paul and Christmas’ votes locked in to save him almost against anyone.

Christmas Abbott-Christmas’s foot makes her highly unlikely to leave. Alex will want her blood as well, but Christmas may be able to talk her way out of hitting the block. Additionally, anyone sitting next to her looks like a bigger competition threat, and would then likely go home before her.

Paul Abrahamian- It is nice to have dreams, but let’s be realistic: no one is going to try to take Paul out of the Big Brother 19 house until final 3. By then, it will probably be too late.

Let us know who you think will leave in this week’s Big Brother 19 Double Eviction by voting in our poll below.

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.

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from Big Brother Accesshttp://bigbrotheraccess.com/big-brother-19-which-two-players-are-going-home-this-week-poll-3530349/

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