Friday, August 25, 2017

Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Live Feeds Day 55 Highlights: Hinky Vote Paranoia Stikes the House

We finally could have some excitement in the Big Brother 19 game. Unfortunately, the last player who would probably tried to evict Paul Abrahamian has left the Big Brother game. Mark Jansen was evicted by by a 4-2 vote. His eviction has left the door wide open for anyone to go out the Big Brother 19 door next week.

Big Brother 19 Raven Walton, Matt Clines and Paul Abrahamian

Mark’s eviction set up a few exciting possibilities. Jason Dent and Alex Ow decided to go rogue: they voted out Matt Clines instead of Mark. They wanted to give him a sympathy vote, cause some suspicion, and earn his jury vote. They have successfully completed all three of their missions.

Head of Household Replay

Big Brother 19 Raven Walton

Once the Big Brother 19 feeds returned, the houseguests were still playing the Head of Household competition. It was a standard endurance competition, but it didn’t last long. Kevin Schlehuber fell out first. He was upset because during his Julie Chen Q&A, she pointed out that he hasn’t won a Head of Household yet. Kevin also rightfully suspected he might be blamed for the hinky votes.

Next, a bunch of players fell out of the game mere minutes after each other. The longest run came down to Jason, Alex, Raven Walton, and Paul. Raven pleaded with the other Big Brother 19 houseguests to give her the win. They basically ignored her request. She said that she really wanted to see her mom. Jason responded that he really wanted to see his wife and child.

Raven fell off and Paul came down almost immediately after her. He didn’t confirm if he only came down because Raven was gone, which meant either way Alex or Jason would win and not target him, or he legitimately fell. He told Alex he fell by accident but this could be a lie to play the middle still.

Jason and Alex stayed on the wall longer than necessary. Alex tried to make a deal with Jason, but he rejected it. Matt was shocked why they were wasting time and not tossing it to the other. Eventually, Alex fell on purpose so that Jason could have the win.

The Hinky Votes

Big Brother 19 Kevin Schlehuber and Jason dent

Josh Martinez accused Kevin of being the one to cast one of the hinky votes. Kevin denied it. He then told Jason he didn’t do it, and Jason immediately admitted that Alex and him did the votes. Kevin asked him to tell the others so he wouldn’t get blamed. Meanwhile, Alex was spreading the rumor that Kevin cast the vote, along with Raven.

Once Alex and Jason got a moment alone, Alex told him that they had to sell the story of Kevin and Raven being the votes against Matt. They only people who could know the truth were her, him, and Paul. Jason then confessed that he already told Kevin. Alex dropped to the floor in shock and amazement.

Jason went to do damage control. He lied to Paul and said he was the hinky vote, but he lied about Alex being the other one just to try to get a confession out of Kevin. Jason then told Kevin that he assumed Alex was the other but didn’t know for sure.

Paul really sold the idea of Raven being the vote against Matt to Christmas Abbott and Josh. He said they were trying to create suspicion. Christmas completely bought it…or so we thought.

Later, Christmas admitted to Paul that she didn’t believe Raven was the hinky vote against Matt. She knew it was either Alex, Jason, or Kevin. A little earlier, Alex lied to Paul about her vote. She said for sure Jason and Kevin were the hinky votes.

The Plan for the Week

Big Brother 19 Alex Ow and Paul Abrahamian

Alex and Paul discussed what they believed would be Jason’s plan. He would nominate Matt and Raven, but tell them the real target was Kevin. They needed to go up as pawns to backdoor Kevin. Paul even woke Matt and Raven up to tell them this plan.

They were fine with it, and then went back to sleep. We’ll have to wait until later tonight to see if Jason sticks with this proposed plan.

Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news!

from Big Brother Access

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