Big Brother 21 ended on Wednesday with a somber note for winner Jackson Michie, but a bucket full of rainbows for America’s Favorite Houseguest Nicole Anthony. Now that the dust is starting to settle, the Big Brother 21 houseguests have joined the large (and continuing to grow) Big Brother family. Over the weekend, former and current houseguests united to party and celebrate the end of this season.
The partying kicked off with the Big Brother 21 wrap party, and continued on to annual events like a trip to Vegas and a pool party. Some Big Brother 21 houseguests went home almost immediately–we presume to escape the intensity of Big Brother life. and to run back to the comforts of home.
Most of the former houseguests and roommates were all smiles as they partied it up all weekend, and as they spent some time with their new fans, family members, and friends. Along with the Big Brother USA alumni, Big Brother Canada alumni and other CBS family members, including former The Amazing Race and Survivor alumni, and current MTV The Challenge members all joined the celebration weekend. All prior house tensions and former beefs appear to have melted away as everyone seems to be getting along.
Per usual, we tracked down all the events going on to bring you the a brand new gallery of the exciting events. They’ll still be events going on all weekend, so we’ll continue to add new images as we find them. Make sure to bookmark this page and check back frequently for more updates. Enjoy the gallery!
Click the images to get a closer look at the Big Brother alumni celebrating the end of Big Brother 21

*Additional reporting by Tamara Kennedy*
Credit Sources: Instagram and Twitter accounts of Nick Maccarone (n_maccarone) Christie Murphy (christie_murph), Holly Allen (misshollyallen ), Jackson Michie (jackson_michie), Jack Matthews (kirkwoodmatthews), Kathryn Dunn (katdunn), Tommy Bracco (TommyBracco), Davie Rickenbacker (iamdavie), Ovi Kabir (ovikabir), Christopher “Swaggy C” Williams (SwaggyCTV), Elena Davies (elenadavies), Jay Starrett (jqskim), Kemi Fakunle (kisseskemi), David Alexander (iamdavidalexander), Kaycee Clark (kcsince1987), Adam Klein (survivoradam), Bella Wang (isabellawang), Hannah Blackwell (hannah_hcb), Bayleigh Dayton (baydayy), Eliza Orlins (eorlins), Ashley Brooke Mitchell (MTVASHLEYBROOKE), Nick Wilson (nickwilson11), Analyse Talavera (analysetalavera), Alex Willett (alexshaywillett), Sam Smith (samsmithbb21), Tara Armstrong (Taran_Armstrong), Kaitlyn Herman (Kaitlyn_Herman), Julie Chen (Juliechencbs), Haleigh Broucher (haleighbroucher), Faysal Shafaat (FessyFitness), Nicole Anthony (strongislandNicole), Raven Walton (Walton_Raven), JC Mounduix (JCMounduix), Angela Rummans (AngelaRummans2), Tyler Crispen (TylerCrispen2), Kiera Wallace (thequietwriter), Rachel Swindler (rachelswindler)
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from Big Brother Access
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