Friday, July 26, 2019

Big Brother 21 Spoilers: Week 5 Block Nominations (7/26/19)

The last five weeks in the Big Brother 21 house have been more than a little predictable, they’ve been completely predictable. The Gr8ful alliance have been in power four out of the last five weeks. The only week they weren’t in power, Christie Murphy‘s Whacktivity power ensured that they still ran the shots. This could be the week that the Six Shooters (since they got evicted fellow Gr8ful member Isabella Wang, basically ending Gr8ful and Und9able) becomes unstoppable.

They’ll have a solid six person alliance versus five outsiders, and they have won many of the HOH and Veto competition. Most of the outsiders want to be with the in-crowd and help the Six Shooters. It’s a Six Shooters world, and the other Big Brother 21 houseguests are just living in it. Most likely, the Six Shooters will remain strong this week with Holly Allen in power, but next week might be a different story.

Next week Big Brother week (after Thursday’s eviction), we’ll have the start of jury, which means we might get a little more ruthless gameplay. Also Christie is in a good position with everyone in the house. She has options. This might mean that she stops playing with the Six Shooters and forms something new with a couple players not in that alliance. There is also a budding tension between Jackson Matthews, Christie, and Kathryn Dunn, which might escalate into something exciting. For now, expect business as usual.

Holly will play it safe by nominating Sam Smith and Nick Maccarone for eviction. The only chance that one of these players stays this week is if Christie goes full rogue and tries to backdoor Jackson during Holly’s HOH. This could happen if Sam or Nick wins the Veto, and then Christie activates her power. Christie is an emotional player, but she seems to have enough gaming skills to know that she needs Jackson right now. However, things could change during the presumed double eviction, the upcoming one after Nick or Sam leaves. We’ll have to wait and see.

So did Holly play it safe by nominating Sam or Nick for eviction?



Holly nominated Sam and Nick for eviction. Come back tomorrow for a full recap of today’s Big Brother 21 Live Feeds highlights. Then join us again later that evening for Power of Veto competition results.

It’s Big Brother 21 season, so keep it here all summer for news, recaps, exclusives, spoilers and much more. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!!

from Big Brother Access

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