Friday, August 31, 2018

Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Live Feeds Day 72 Highlights: Tyler’s Limited Choices

The Big Brother 20 houseguests got a blast from the past when Scottie Salton reentered the game. The players were all smiles seeing him return instead of Faysal Shafaat, Angie “Rockstar” Lantry, and Bayleigh Dayton. Sam Bledsoe even mentioned that she thought the girls would return to the house ready for revenge. Angela Rummans was just happy to see Scottie back after Faysal’s speech.

Big Brother 20 Tyler Crispen and Haleigh Broucher

She mentioned several times that his speech was just personal slander. None of it was true. Brett Robinson and Tyler Crispen were also annoyed by his speech. And Haleigh Broucher denied knowing anything about it, and she made sure the other houseguests knew she was happy Scottie came back, not Faysal. Haleigh started the night with new hope, but ended it feeling defeated.

Haleigh made sure to try to integrate herself with the houseguests. Scottie did as well. He told them tidbits about the Big Brother 20 jury house, mainly just the amenities. He also told them a little bit about how Rockstar and Bayleigh had chilled out. He also mentioned his press tour, and how he figured out that Steve Arienta had to be a cop based on what he heard and saw.

Big Brother 20 Scottie Salton

Scottie didn’t give too much important information, and he made sure to throw in some lies, especially when it came to his interactions with the other jurors. He played up his rivalry with Faysal more than we saw of their interaction. The houseguests also made sure to fill Scottie in on what he missed, like Faysal’s speech to Angela and the makeovers.

After the Head of Household competition, JC Mounduix immediately tried to put it in Angela and Tyler’s hard to target Scottie with a backdoor. Tyler said he didn’t know what he planned to do yet. A DR leak revealed that Tyler will probably nominate Haleigh and Scottie, as everyone expects. However, Angela and Tyler expressed annoyance about JC’s behavior, and trying to instigate things.

Big Brother 20 Sam Bledsoe and Brett Robinson

Prior to the HOH competition, Sam made sure to apologize to Angela and Haleigh for her vote. She said Faysal’s speech swayed her a little. Both forgave Sam…until the HOH competition. Sam clearly cheered for Tyler more than Haleigh, which annoyed her. She was fuming about Sam. JC and Brett also tried to get into Haleigh’s head a little by claiming they thought they saw Faysal and Sam kiss, but Haleigh wasn’t buying it. However, this Sam and Haleigh rivalry won’t end anytime soon.

The Head of Household competition ended late, so Tyler didn’t have time for one on ones. They should start in a few hours and go into the evening. No matter what is said in these meetings, we still expect some combination of Haleigh and Scottie, or Haleigh or Scottie on the block tonight.

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