Friday, July 6, 2018

Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Live Feeds Day 16 Highlights: Blindside Aftershock

The Big Brother 20 houseguests had a long and eventful day. It started with Tyler Crispen exposing Sam Bledsoe‘s BB App power to Level 6, and then that escalated to him flipping Kaitlyn Herman‘s vote.

Big Brother 20 Kaitlyn Herman Wins HOH

Tyler convinced Kaitlyn that if she didn’t vote out Steve Arienta, then something bad would happen to her in the game. He said that whatever the secret power was could hurt her game. A shook Kaitlyn debated what to do but we ultimately saw her vote with Level 6.

Following the Big Brother 20 live eviction, tension was a little high, especially with F.O.U.T.T.E. They speculated about who betrayed them. They also at some point became convinced that Brett Robinson had the BB App store power, and it contained an additional vote. This power was used to steal someone’s vote, thus why there was seven votes to evict Steve instead of six.

However, most of F.O.U.T.T.E really believed that someone flipped their vote. They narrowed it to Angie “Rockstar” Lantry, Haleigh Broucher, and Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn was the prime suspect at first, but eventually the accusation starteed to fade from her–probably due to her HoH win.

Big Brother 20 Scottie Salton and Bayleigh Dayton

Scottie Salton was taking the blindside the hardest. He thought that Haleigh was the person who flipped her vote. Throughout the night, people had different conversations about different theories.

Chris “Swaggy C” Williams and JC Mounduix also discussed why JC voted out Steve. He claimed he just didn’t get a good feeling from Steve. JC also revealed a little too much to Faysal Shafaat by confirming that Haleigh didn’t flip her vote.

Rachel Swindler gave Sam some new info. She told her that Kaitlyn was the flip vote. Meanwhile, F.O.U.T.T.E discussed not leaving Kaitlyn alone with Level 6. It seems like deep down they know Kaitlyn betrayed them, but can’t act on it right now. Level 6 also discussed this same plan about not letting the other side get alone time with Kaitlyn.

Also late at night, Swaggy C starts to figure out that Tyler is not really on their side. However, he mistakenly believed that Angie Rockstar was the vote flipper.

Big Brother 20 Haleigh Broucher and Angie Rockstar Lantry

Very late at night, Angie and Haleigh put the clues together that Kaitlyn was the flipped vote. She even had a conversation with them that morning about possibly changing her vote.

Big Brother CBS All Access

Keep it here all summer for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Big Brother 20. We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Big Brother. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!

from Big Brother Access

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