The second week inside the Big Brother 19 house has been a bit dramatic. Most of that drama has been the direct result of the majority of the house vowing to evict Cody Nickson. Once Cody showed his true colors and went against his own power alliance, the Big Brother house has been unsettled. Now it is certain that Cody will suffer the consequences for betraying his own alliance members.

This has been the week of Paul Abrahamian, as he has controlled the house in week two. As far as storylines go inside the Big Brother house, you can’t script a better series of events than what has occurred. Cody targets Paul for eviction, Paul is protected by the Pendant of Protection, and then Cody targets a second member of his own alliance for eviction (Christmas Abbott). Next Paul wins Head of Household (HOH), Paul plans to backdoor Cody for eviction this week, and we will leave it there for those of you who haven’t seen the Power of Veto results.
Paul calls the shots inside the Big Brother house, and the houseguests (HG) are sitting back and letting him.
Paul’s team, which he prefers to call “weekly deals,” has not changed much from the previous week. His predominate alliance members includes Christmas, Dominique Cooper, Mark Jansen, Elena Davies, Matthew Clines, Raven Walton, and most recently Kevin Schlehuber. Rather than Cody and showmance partner Jessica Graf calling the shots this week, they are on the outside of the Big Brother house.
Paul seems to have a special relationship with Kevin; They have even made some secret “hinky” plans for this week’s eviction vote. Kevin is working with other houseguests, like Alex Ow, who he promised to never vote for for eviction. Alex promised the same in return. Mark and Kevin affirmed their long-term deal of working together, while Mark also had the same conversation with Josh Martinez and Jason Dent.

This week, Paul also worked on building relationships in the Big Brother house with many of the “Outsiders.” He convinced Alex and Josh to become pawns to help his backdoor plan for Cody. In addition, he convinced Ramses Soto to use his curse, and become the third nominee on the block for eviction. Ramses pushed Paul’s button when he tried to win the Power of Veto (POV), which would have spoiled Paul’s plan to backdoor Cody.
Jason just wonders around the Big Brother house really not knowing what to do with himself. He is completely convinced that Kevin could not have possibly flipped on the last eviction vote. Although others have told him otherwise. Jason even approached Paul on how to form an alliance in the Big Brother house with no luck. Paul simply told him that he doesn’t like to form alliances but prefers weekly “deals” instead.
Cody and Jessica are most definitely the outcasts at the moment. They have completely isolated themselves from the rest of the Big Brother house. Cody is well aware of his imminent demise, but he holds out hope for a Battle Back opportunity to bring him back into the game.

On of the most surprising revelations this week was made by Mark. He confessed to Dominique that he’s worried about his showmance situation with Elena and how it could negatively hinder his Big Brother game. Mark revealed to Dominique that he feels Elena is being fake and would only like to keep her around until jury starts: Mark wants Elena out of the house to protect his chances of winning Big Brother 19.
This has been Paul’s week as far as controlling HGs and competition wins. He played the perfect game to see his nemesis, Cody, evicted this week. However, anything can happen inside the Big Brother house. Stay tuned to find out if Paul’s power this week plays out as expected, or if the “unexpected” happens, and Cody is spared from eviction.
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