Friday, July 7, 2017

Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Live Feeds Day 7 Highlights: The House Implodes After the Eviction

Sorry Christmas, but Big Brother 19 is really the gift that keeps on giving. Last night’s first Big Brother 2017 live eviction did not disappoint; it had tears, fights, and blindsides. It was a night of Big Brother Live Feeds gold.

Big Brother 19 Paul Abrahamian Wins HOH

Most of the drama revolved around Cody Nickson and Jessica Graf’s reactions to them being completely blindsided by Jillian Parker‘s eviction. Of course, they weren’t pleased about it, but they took the drama to a new over the top level. We were very entertained.

Josh’s Vote

Big Brother 19 Josh Martinez and Jillian Parker

Most of the Big Brother 19 morning feeds focused on Josh Martinez deciding what to do with his vote. The previous night, he decided to vote with his friends, Alex Ow, Jason Dent, Ramses Soto, and Kevin Schlehuber, but in the morning, he changed his mind.

Paul Abrahamian and Christmas Abbott made sure that Matthew Clines and Mark Jansen promised Josh their loyalty and protection. This made him feel comfortable enough to vote with their side. Of course, we know that he (and Kevin) did vote against their friends, which resulted in an 8 to 4 eviction of Jillian.

Candy Crushing Dreams

Big Brother 19 Cody Nickson

Immediately following last night’s Big Brother 19 episode, the Candy Crush themed Head of Household competition happened. It didn’t last long before Paul won it (with the help of his power alliance).

The house then further began to implode.

Kevin Puts the Blame on Ramses

Big Brother 19 Kevin Schlehuber

Last night, we found ourselves impressed by Kevin’s gaming skills, because he made his alliance believe that Ramses betrayed them. He voted out Jillian, not him. Alex, Cody, Jessica, and Jason completely believed Kevin. They all labeled Ramses a snake and traitor.

Meanwhile, the opposite side knew that Ramses didn’t vote with them. Therefore, they also called him a snake and traitor. Besides Cody and Jessica, Ramses is in the next worst position of the Big Brother 19 house.

Josh Faces the Wrath of Jessica and Cody

Big Brother 19 Jessica Graf and Cody Nickson

Everyone knows Josh voted against Jillian. He made it worse by trying to defend his actions to Jessica, Cody, and Alex. None of them wanted anything to do with him, but Jessica and Cody took it a step too far by calling him a baby, not a man, a ‘victim noises’ maker. Just a lot of low blows.

Eventually, Josh ended up in the bathroom in tears. Dominique Cooper proceeded to comfort him. Josh continued to cry but felt better about his choice to pick Paul’s side.

Paul’s Insane Plan

Big Brother 19

Paul told Matthew and Raven Walton that he wanted to nominate them as pawns. This made it a lot easier to backdoor Cody. Matthew and Raven seemed on board with the plan, until a conversation later in the Head of Household room.

Mark, Elena Davies, Christmas, Matthew, and Raven made him rethink his plan. They felt it was too risky. However, Paul questioned whether they’d really vote out Cody, so he was stubborn about his decision.

However, the alliance persisted: they wanted him to nominate Alex and Jason as pawns. He started to see the light, and then spoke to Kevin, Alex, and Josh about possibly going up as pawns.

Kevin got really upset about this possibility, so he told the outsiders (including Jessica) about Paul’s plan to backdoor Cody, which Cody already suspected. Eventually Paul settled on using Josh and Alex as pawns. Both of them agreed with reluctance. This decision might come back to haunt Paul because he had already promised Josh that he would not use him as a pawn this week.

The nomination ceremony takes place later today. We shall see if Paul has another change of heart.

Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news

from Big Brother Access

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