Friday, June 10, 2016

Big Brother 18 Spoilers: Veteran’s Names Revealed? Report

We’ve been hearing Big Brother 18 spoilers rumors about returning cast members for quite some time, but so far have had no concrete evidence any of them are true. Now one source is claiming they have “confirmed” that there will indeed be returning veterans, and even who they are.

The Big Brother 18 cast reveal happens June 13!

The Big Brother 18 cast reveal happens June 13!

We are still taking these alleged Big Brother spoilers with a hefty load of salt, but we would not be surprised in the least if there are veterans this season in some capacity. So which Houseguests are supposed to be coming back, and what exactly will they be doing in the Big Brother 18 cast house?

Well, according to the website, we will have some kind of ‘coaches’ thing happening again this season like back in Big Brother 14. Which, by the way, is one of the most disliked seasons ever. Also, we should note, that in every poll we’ve made or seen asking if fans wanted a totally new cast, a mixed veterans/newbies cast, or an All-Stars cast — a mixed cast of old and new players always ranks last, every time.

Part of these rumors were first spewed out by the questionable (and now deleted) @CornerOffice18 Twitter account, and now Reality Blurred is claiming they have absolutely “confirmed” the identities of the four returning players.

The veterans allegedly coming back as part of the Big Brother 18 cast will be Audrey Middleton, Derrick Levasseur, Ian Terry, and Vanessa Rousso.

BIG BROTHER Big Brother 17 Audrey Middleton vanessa-rousso-big-brother-17-cast Big Brother 16 Derrick Levasseur

In addition, the website claims that there will be 12 new cast members, but two of them will have some kind of connection. Supposedly they will be “siblings, most likely of former players” and possibly even of one or more of the returning Houseguests.

Why shouldn’t necessarily believe these last minute Big Brother 18 cast spoilers rumors?

Well, for one thing, former winner Ian Terry posted on Twitter on Friday that he is absolutely not returning this season. Instead, he stated on Twitter that “‘Vacationing in Greece’ is the new ‘(actually) vacationing in Greece’ so to speak.” In other words, he is saying that when he says he’s on vacation, he really is actually on vacation, not on Big Brother. Of course, he could be lying, but we have some issues with the other alleged veteran players who are supposed to be returning as well.

As notes, Derrick Levasseur is actually supposed to be filming a hew documentary series for Discovery ID with Martin Sheen. Last year, Derrick did a column for BBN and told the owner over there that while he would be too busy with his new series to write weekly again, he would “like to do a mid-season and finale review for the site.” Those would not be things he would be able to do if he were going to be locked up in the Big Brother house. Why would he even bother to lie about that? He could have just said he would not be available because he was busy, instead of offering to contribute to the site later in the season.

As for Audrey Middleton and Vanessa Rousso, there is no evidence one way or the other that they might be coming back. We question why CBS Big Brother would want to bring Audrey Middleton back, after she basically ended up one of the worst Houseguests ever with her constant whining, crying, rule-breaking, nastiness, and blatant disregard for the entire concept of the game. At least Vanessa Rousso played the game very well right up until the end, whether or not the fans actually liked her at all.

There have been enough rumors and strange happenings surrounding the Big Brother 18 cast that we are pretty damn sure something weird is going on. Including CBS refusing to grant pre-season interviews to media outlets like that always do them, every year. Thus, we would not be shocked to find out there will be returning players, although we don’t necessarily believe they are going to try the horrible ‘coaches’ thing again, or that these “confirmed” names are actually the people coming back.

All the rumors and speculation aside, we’ll have solid information on Monday about the new cast when they are supposed to be revealed on the Big Brother Live Feeds. Whether or not CBS will actually be revealing ALL the new cast members has yet to be known. If there are veterans waiting in the wings, we may actually have to wait until premiere night to be absolutely sure who they will be.

The new season is right around the corner, and if you want to have all the inside scoop on everything going on behind the scenes, go ahead and get your Big Brother Live Feeds subscription right now with CBS All Access and get a week free! Plus, if you sign up through us here you are helping to keep this site alive for your enjoyment all summer long!

Sign up for your Big Brother 18 Live Feeds here and get one week free!
Big Brother 18 premieres on June 22nd, 2016 in a two-hour event on CBS. Big Brother Live Feeds coverage inside the house kicks off at 10PM PT on June 23rd. Follow us on our Facebook and Twitter feeds for all the latest!

from Big Brother Access

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